

New Member
Hornell, NY
Hi everyone!

We just got our first Leopard Geckos under the guise of Christmas presents for our boys (I think they are more for my husband and myself though:)).

We have 4 to start...3 very young that we can't tell gender yet...An Albino, a Tangerine, and a Jungle pattern (we think). They are sharing a 20 gallon set up right now. We also have a slightly older typical gecko that we believe is a female, but may still be too young to tell. She is on her own in a 10 gallon set up at the moment because she is so much bigger and eats...a lot!

We also have:
1 Russian Tortoise
1 dog
3 cats
a slew of fish
and 3 kids...2 boys, 1 girl...7,4, and 2 respectively.

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