Newest addition to the family


St. Augustine, Florida
Scored this little guy from the mom and pop pet store down the road from me. Couldn't pass up the price. Any ideas on morph?


St. Augustine, Florida
Yeah I noticed that too. Sprayed him down good and set a piece of glass over the screen top to keep the humidity in. He's got some very drastic crests over his eyes too. I'll see about getting a better pic. I have a 20 gallon vert waiting for him. The plants just need to fill out more.


New Member
Indiahoma, Oklahoma
cool, i'd set up some 27 or 66qt's theyr'e pretty cheap 27's i think are like 5-7$ and i know 73's are 10.50 at walmart, i've got abotu 5 set up for adults, about 3 27's and a ton of 16's and 6's for babies/juv's just incase i need them hehe.


Melissa the Scientist
Toledo oh
He looks lke a buckskin tiger, but if it isnt fired up it could be a different color, but right now it looks like a buckskin.

Now you dont want to leave the top covered to try and keep humidity in. It is normal and OK for the humidity to drop, which is why 9 times out of 10 you need to mist two 2 times a day, a light misting in the morning and a heavier misting at night.

Now he is plety large enough to go in his final home, by the time males start to show their male goods they are normally a good 15g by the time they get a good sized buldge which is plenty large enough to be in a 20 gallon. He doesnt need to go in it asap but if you were just waiting to do it until he grows more, like I said no need he can go in it right now. But I wouldnt nother setting up a 27qt, it is actually a smaller container then the 10 gallon he is in now (it is a little over 6 gallons). If you are going to do a tub, 44qt-72qt is fine (remember 4qt=1 gal). Honestly adults can live in 10 gallon space, I myself prefer even lone males to have more of 15 gallons worth of space, I personally feel a 10 gallon is a bit cramped, but they can easily live in a 10 gallon.


St. Augustine, Florida
He looks lke a buckskin tiger, but if it isnt fired up it could be a different color, but right now it looks like a buckskin.

Now you dont want to leave the top covered to try and keep humidity in. It is normal and OK for the humidity to drop, which is why 9 times out of 10 you need to mist two 2 times a day, a light misting in the morning and a heavier misting at night.

Now he is plety large enough to go in his final home, by the time males start to show their male goods they are normally a good 15g by the time they get a good sized buldge which is plenty large enough to be in a 20 gallon. He doesnt need to go in it asap but if you were just waiting to do it until he grows more, like I said no need he can go in it right now. But I wouldnt nother setting up a 27qt, it is actually a smaller container then the 10 gallon he is in now (it is a little over 6 gallons). If you are going to do a tub, 44qt-72qt is fine (remember 4qt=1 gal). Honestly adults can live in 10 gallon space, I myself prefer even lone males to have more of 15 gallons worth of space, I personally feel a 10 gallon is a bit cramped, but they can easily live in a 10 gallon.

The 20 gallon has live plants. Waiting for it to fill out more,... Plus I put a dose I fertilizer in it so I wanna wait at least 2 months.


New Member
Long Island
Very cute, looks like an orange tiger if im not mistaken?

If you wanna give him something a little it bigger while waiting for your vivarium to fill in, pickup a rubbermaid container from walmart and drill some holes.

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