not breeding previous bred female?


New Member
Seminole, Fl
Is there a way to not have a female lay even if you don't breed her? Next year I'm not wanting to breed one or two of my females and just wondering if there's a way to stop them laying so she doesn't have that toll on thier body or is there no way around it?


Seminole, FL
From my knowledge know.. Once they mate you've started the rollercoaster and won't be getting off..

Is there a way to not have a female lay even if you don't breed her? I'm not sure what this means ? I have a female I haven't bred yet and since she smells my males she's laid two clutches of unfertilized eggs.

Because they retain sperm from one mating they are going to cycle from their forward. The best thing you can do is make sure she always has food and the day she lays a clutch try giving her a pinkie or two. My female Bell hasn't lost a gram and has laid twice this season. The day I find eggs i run to the store and give her 1-2 pinkies depending on what she'll eat. Then over the next few days I'll gjve wax, supers, and mealies to keep her full. Then we switch back to her normal diet of mealies and occaisonal crix. Most of my females I'll do this with unless they don't like pinkies. Which two of them won't. They get a lot more wax and supers and mealies to make up for the pinkies.

The best thing to do to keep the eggs fertility rate the highest is to still mate the male to her each month to make sure the sperm she carries is as fresh as possible.


they will probably continue to lay. a friend of mine had 2 females he bought as babies, and they never even saw a male. they both lay unfertilized eggs.

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