not eating and staying on cool side of his cage


New Member
I got a healthy Leo gecko from a friend who could no longer keep him. After his first shed, I took him in to the doc becuase he had stuck shed in his eyes. At that time the Dr put him on Baytril due to a possitive infection in his smear sample. That was 2 weeks ago. He appears healthy, however he isnt eating and stays on the cold side of his cage all day under a rock. This has been going on for the last 2-3 weeks. Is this behavior common while on baytril? He looks fine, Im just concerned about his body temp and the fact that he's not eating. Let me know if Im just being over concerned.. Thanks!


New Member
St. Augustine, FL
Antibiotics are hard on their system. He doesn't feel good. Even if he did eat, it may not stay down. He should pick back up after the meds work their way thru him. You might try moving his hide to the center, each day easing it over gradually, an inch to warmth.


New Member
Thanks. He was on Baytril for 10 days and I stopped dosing him on Monday night. Its only been 48 hours off of it I just want him to start eating again. He just sleeps all day and hasnt been eating for days. While he seems fine, Im jsut concerned being new at this.

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