Not eating


New Member
Fort Myers
I have experienced this before, but I wanted to ask the question anyway as there is a new element. I found this forum back when Lola went 5 days without eating in January. In the end, it was just her settling down and adjusting to her new environment in my home.

This past week I have re-decorated their vivarium. Laid ceramic tile for better warmth, and built a climbing wall on the back with all kinds of styrofoam rocks. It's beautiful and a nice environment for them to get plenty of exercise.

I have noticed behavior changes in both since re-decorating. Sela doesn't want to be held at all (which is not usual for her) but otherwise is very curious about her new surroundings.... So I figure she's just unsure right now.

Lola, however, hasn't eaten in two days, but in addition to that, she has also stopped doing anything at all. Just sleeping... day and night. She climbs the wall to the highest styrofoam ledge and sleeps there. I got up several times during the night to see if she was at least active at night... and nothing. Same spot.. just sleeping. Is this normal behavior for a gecko who is maybe just stressed? Apart from not eating, do they sometimes also do nothing but sleep??

She's not lost weight, and she is pooping regularly. And she did climb down this morning for a drink of water, but then went straight back up to her ledge. Do you think after a few days getting used to the new setup, she will go back to her usual behavior?

Thanks for any advice you might have :)


New Member
I got my Leo on weds, he ate on Thursday. I tiled his tank yesterday for better looks and better heat. I've seen him drink water twice and he has pooped twice also.
He sleeps alot, he will wake up and walk around or stand up on the glass and wait for me to pick him up. I offered food yesterday and he turned it down. He hasn't ate since Thursday so he should eat today. I will offer food later and see if he takes it or not.

We are going thru the same thing man. My Leo sleeps alot, he's asleep now. They are probably just stressed out.
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New Member
Fort Myers
Right, and the last time Lola was stressed, she didn't eat, but she otherwise walked around, climbed on the glass for me to pick her up... etc. But now she is not doing even that. She just sleeps - without ever leaving her spot. When I open the door, she doesn't even lift her head up or open her eyes. And she's usually very alert even when asleep. Other than coming down for a drink, that's been her only movement.

If I hold her,she sits still for me, but when I put her back down, she races for the back wall, climbs again and goes right to sleep.

I hope it's just stress from the re-decorating!


New Member
It sounds like stress, it probably feels safe up there sleeping. Like king of the mountain or something. My Leo has been sleeping all day today in his hot hide. I tiled his tank yesterday so I'm sure he is stressed out some. He is due to eat today, it's the third day since he ate last so maybe he will maybe he won't. I gotta wait for him to wake up first plus i gotta take pics of him and post on here.

Good luck man hopefully nothing is wrong. My Leo sleeps alot also, he hasn't came out today yet. As long as he drinks water and i see him moving/breathing I'm gonna leave him be. He will eat when he is hungry


New Member
Fort Myers
Oh yeah he will! When I first brought mine home she went 5 whole days without eating. But as long as she was pooping regularly, I knew she was ok... not impacted or anything like that. The pet shop I got them from keeps theirs on sand :(.

But on the sixth day she ate :) Good luck!

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