Not eating



I got my son got a Fat Tail Gecko at the beginning of February. She's done great until about 2 weeks ago, I'm guessing. (She was staying at Daddy's with him) He called me worried because her tail was getting skinny. I now have her at my house, but she won't eat. I've tried baby food, which she will lick off the eye dropper somewhat, and I'm giving her water afterwards like that too. She won't eat crickets. Won't even try for one. And yesterday, I noticed her opening her mouth in a dry heave type manner. Can ANYONE help me. It will break his heart if Mommy can't save the gecko.
And no, I have not taken her to a vet, as the ones in my area think reptiles are what you find in the barn. I have taken my snake to one and I had to tell him what I thought was wrong with him so he knew what to look at.

Imperial Geckos

Miami, Fl
How old is your fat tail? is it Captive Bred or Wild Caught?

I recently had a female fat tail go off feed, and it turn out she is ovulating.


She's adult, but I don't know how old she is. Captive bred. We bought her from a breeder at ReptiCon in Atlanta in February. Her day temps are 80 - 85. Night temps are 75

Imperial Geckos

Miami, Fl
She's adult, but I don't know how old she is. Captive bred. We bought her from a breeder at ReptiCon in Atlanta in February. Her day temps are 80 - 85. Night temps are 75

I would increase her hot spot to 90'F-91'F....she should have a cool side of about 80'F during the day...night time temps sound fine...but the day time temps need some tweaking..

Good Luck! :main_thumbsup:



Sorry for the delay. I've taken a couple of pictures and will get them on as soon as I find my cord to connect the camera to the lappy. She's not acting normal. She had a favorite sleeping place and she hasn't been in it in 2 weeks now. Won't eat unless I put food on her lips and she licks it off and not thinking she's drinking water unless I do the same.

Temp is higher now. AC went out and landlord has left us for the weekend in heat. I know, not good, but can't control it. The dry heaving still worries me. It's like she's trying to throw up but has nothing to come up. Don't know if that's posible with a lizard, but that's what it looks like.


Update. I'm assuming ovulating won't take her 3 weeks. She still won't eat. She can thrash around to try to get away, but won't eat any crickets. Won't eat anything but the baby food I put feed her by putting it on her nose til she licks it off. I guess this will be my last try at a gecko if I can't save her. Thank you for all the tries at help.


New Member
Do what I do with my aft, take a superworm and take her head off, grab the gecko firmly and take the juicy part of the worm and place it on her lips, while the gecko opens her mouth to lick the worm gently insert the worm in and the gecko will eat it.

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