Not your average Leos

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Brett Boller

New Member
Let me know if you have any questions.

ID# RN#48
Male (L2) Lavender Abyssinian Raptor (solid eyes) 25% Het patternless 50% chance Giant red stripe lineage Hatched 7-16-09 Only male in the world available like this! Good to pair with Abyssinian red stripe girl listed for a chance at Lavender Ember Abyssinian.
Current weight 10-25-09 11 grams
Price $1300+shipping

ID# AP#21
Female (L2) Lavender Jungle Raptor snake eye one eye 1% about missed her. Only 2 1/2 bands! just like my Abyssinian Lavender Raptor on my home page! This line produces reduced band lavenders. Lavender Page coming soon to explain these little guys and gals as well as crosses so we all can keep things straight forward! she is also 50% Het Raptor and Abyssinian she has the markers just wouldn't feel right guaranteeing a Het from a Het 50% chance Giant. Get her while you can! Hatched 7-2-09
Current weight 10-25-09 18 grams
Price $250+shipping and genetics fee LOL just kidding

I can ship as long as the lows are above 30 degrees. I use 3/4 inch styro boxes with as many heat packs as it takes to keep them warm.

Thanks for looking

I am certified to ship reptiles through FedEx. I ship in styro boxes FedEx priority overnight only.

Payment can be made via Paypal so most major credit cards are accepted.

My email is [email protected]

Thanks for looking
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Brett Boller

New Member
I am interested partial and some full trades for the following. This offer is free for everything listed on here and my site. I have way more available just don't have time to list them all.
Fat tail Morphs
Ball Morphs mostly female
Western Hognose pairs Morph or Hets with papers
Australian Gecko pairs
Female Dragons must be extremely red german Giant is a +
I am also looking for a good digital camera for photography.
Good labtops with Windows XP
Some gaming systems
I am interested in all sorts of stuff so if you think you have something I may be interested in feel free to hit me up.
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