Nothing seems to be going right..


New Member
The title says it all, nothing seems to be going right at all. Ever since last October my life has been nothing but a whirlwind of fear, pain, confusion and sadness, dealing with everything from my health, family life, relationship, school, financial situation, etc. I used to be so positive and have always looked for the "light at the end of the tunnel," but now I see no light and don't think I'll ever see one until my dying day. While I don't feel suicidal if I saw that light tonight I wouldn't exactly be running in opposite direction, if anything I'd run right into it to get out of this misery.

I've tried my best to try and better/rectify every situation but I don't know what to do anymore. I ran out of ideas and energy.. I can't sleep, sometimes its even hard to get out of bed. Some days I can't eat, while other days I do nothing but eat. I can't focus on much of anything. I sit here with tears streaming down my cheeks and a chest as tight as a tightly closed fist because of all the frustration. Why can't things just get better? Why don't people understand that I don't smile anymore because I just can't.. there's nothing to smile about and no energy to smile with either.

I don't know what to do,I feel absolutely hopeless. My spirit has now been broken under the pressure of all the crap going in my life and I have no idea how to mend it or even how to relieve the pressure ..



Gotta catch 'em all!
Jacksonville, Fl
Im really sorry to hear that your going through something this bad =/ I REALLY hope it gets better. Without knowing what it is, I cant really offer advice though =/


New Member
Im really sorry to hear that your going through something this bad =/ I REALLY hope it gets better. Without knowing what it is, I cant really offer advice though =/

It's a little of everything.

- I found something about my health that I wasn't happy about towards the end of last year. It really turned me inside out. Especially being someone that tried very hard to take care of myself. It's as if i failed some where along the line.
- Money is tight and it's hard to find a job.
- School is extremely expensive and I'm not sure how to pay for it.
- Relationship with my boyfriend hasn't been so great.

just to name a few..


Gotta catch 'em all!
Jacksonville, Fl
My advice then is...
Embrace the good things about your health. You may be one of the lucky ones who finds out early that life is short and you have to live it to its fullest.. Alot of people forget this, hopefully you can learn it through experience.
Money is tight for everyone... Its not just you. Take out student loans to help pay for school... you can pay them when you graduate, dont worry about how yet. You will find a way when you can, lol. Thats what I did. And I mean, as far as jobs go.. if you are serious about it... there is always someone hiring! It may not be what you want, but gas stations, restaurants, fast food joints... they are always hiring.
Screw relationships! There are so many people out there.. Find someone that makes you happy. Who cares how long you two have been together... who cares what you've been through.The ONLY person who will care if you. So, if you arent happy, find someone who treats you like a queen and makes you happy. You are very pretty, dont feel like you are stuck!.

Anyways, hope this helps. I know at this moment that you may feel like no one out there understands, and that you are all alone. But trust me, you arent. Everything will always get better, no matter what. It is just how you look at everything... Dwell on everything at once, and it looks horrible. But shrug small things off as they come along, and dont let them bother... things may not seem so bad.

PS. getting a nice massage and/ or pedicure def. helps too ;-) So make your not so great boyfriend do something nice for you, or find someone that will =]

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