The title says it all, nothing seems to be going right at all. Ever since last October my life has been nothing but a whirlwind of fear, pain, confusion and sadness, dealing with everything from my health, family life, relationship, school, financial situation, etc. I used to be so positive and have always looked for the "light at the end of the tunnel," but now I see no light and don't think I'll ever see one until my dying day. While I don't feel suicidal if I saw that light tonight I wouldn't exactly be running in opposite direction, if anything I'd run right into it to get out of this misery.
I've tried my best to try and better/rectify every situation but I don't know what to do anymore. I ran out of ideas and energy.. I can't sleep, sometimes its even hard to get out of bed. Some days I can't eat, while other days I do nothing but eat. I can't focus on much of anything. I sit here with tears streaming down my cheeks and a chest as tight as a tightly closed fist because of all the frustration. Why can't things just get better? Why don't people understand that I don't smile anymore because I just can't.. there's nothing to smile about and no energy to smile with either.
I don't know what to do,I feel absolutely hopeless. My spirit has now been broken under the pressure of all the crap going in my life and I have no idea how to mend it or even how to relieve the pressure ..

I've tried my best to try and better/rectify every situation but I don't know what to do anymore. I ran out of ideas and energy.. I can't sleep, sometimes its even hard to get out of bed. Some days I can't eat, while other days I do nothing but eat. I can't focus on much of anything. I sit here with tears streaming down my cheeks and a chest as tight as a tightly closed fist because of all the frustration. Why can't things just get better? Why don't people understand that I don't smile anymore because I just can't.. there's nothing to smile about and no energy to smile with either.
I don't know what to do,I feel absolutely hopeless. My spirit has now been broken under the pressure of all the crap going in my life and I have no idea how to mend it or even how to relieve the pressure ..