Aside from the norm of Rattle snakes, copperheads, and snapping turtles what other reptiles are indigenous to NY state? I have seen frogs and salamanders too.
you know i actually looked it up once becuase i heard somebody say there are none.
i knew there were turtles and snakes, so i thought why not lizards? turns out they are right. im pretty sure there are none. but it was a long time ago and i dont remember exactly.
I lived in NY for 20 years and just moved to Florida. There are supposedly a longggg list Ill search for the website with the list but I've seen almost none of them. However I did lose a corn snake once and one night while having a fire I found it haha but theres supposedly quite a few
here's a small list of the few things i have seen:
common toad
gray tree frog (i used to find 1 or 2 a year on my parent's garage roof)
american bull frog
garter snake
giant garter snake (only ever found one)
bog turtle (good thing my bro didn't get caught with it, it's illegal to take them from the wild)
painted turtle
common snapping turtle
northern brown snake
black rat snake (my dad found it as road kill and took all 7 feet of it home to scare my brother)
i have seen a few salamanders but i don't know the species and i have never seen any lizards. the majority of what i have found where i live are garter snakes, bull frogs and snapping turtles. there doesn't seem to be a great variety...