obtaining pictus gecko morphs


New Member
Wilmington, DE
Hello! I'm interested in pictus geckos, probably not right at the moment as I'm somewhat wrapped up in my cresties and leos, but within a year or two. I have a friend who keeps them and they seem like another species I'd be interested in, but I'm not sure where to get them (my friend got her regular colored ones from a store that no longer carries them) and I'm interested in checking out some of the color morphs that are available, I know it is limited, but that there are some variants out there, I just don't know where to look for more information. If anyone has any sources they know of for Pictus Geckos (Ocelot Gecko/Panther Gecko/Paroedura picta) I would really appreciate the names or websites. Thanks in advance!


Oh.. you mean that one..
"Reptmart" carries normal panther babies and adults most of the time and occasionally anerythristic babies. I myself am wary of buying animals without seeing them first but this species is so hard to get a hold of. :/ you can try kingsnake.com classified, occasionally breeders will post their geckos there for sale.

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