Odd behavior


New Member
My gecko looks dull and ready to shed, he's looked this way for two days. I've been keeping his humid hide like a sauna, but he stopped using it and started getting underneath the paper towels (his cage lining no substrate) and flattening himself against the UTH. Where he's staying is about 90 degrees, maybe hotter with the paper towels over him because I use the cloth like kind. Is this normal? He won't use his hide on the warm side :main_huh: and is staying away from the room temp side of his tank. Maybe he doesn't like his warm hide anymore? I have no idea. He also usually sheds within a day, very quick and easy with no odd behavior. What could it be?


New Member
Don't let him get to the UTH it could burn him. If you have all of the hides available he will just have to go to one when he is ready.


New Member
You got to be careful with them getting under the paper towels. They will get burned having the stomach on the glass where UTH is, that's a big no no. Secure the paper towels, and get a thermostat to make sure your hot side doesn't get above 95 degrees.

My leopard geckos don't always use the moist hide. So when they are about to shed, I simply mist the cage lightly once a day until it's done.


Hugh Hefner of Leos
As said above, don't let it get to the glass underneath the paper towels, or it WILL get burned. Try misting if you have a spray bottle. If you don't, try putting him in a tupperware container with less than a third of an inch of water and put a cover on after you poke holes in said cover.


In the summer, my leo spends all its time in the middle of the cage, or the cool side. Winter, mostly on the warm side. If the waether has gotten warmer where you are, that may be the case. My lizard also doesn't use her humidity chamber much. She likes to shed under her tree thingy. Keeping the general humidity of the cage high is a good idea though.
Also-- just like everyone has said don't let them get to the UTH. It'll burn them, and that is obviously bad.


New Member
My oldest leo uses her humid hide, but I've noticed that she rarely uses her warm hide now. She comes out of her humid hide in the evening and flattens her belly over the warm side, looking all relaxed. I am wondering if it's a seasonal thing as Alissa suggests, because mine used her warm hide almost exclusively all winter. It's been pretty hot in MI lately and I first started seeing the change in behavior in mid to late spring. Has the season changed much where you are?

My geckos usually look dull-colored for a couple days before they shed but if you're worried, do what rchase54 suggests and do a soak in a container. I've had to do that with Toon a couple times to help her get stuck shed off her toes. I would keep her in it for about 10 or 15 minutes.

Try taping down the paper towel along all the seams to keep him from getting under there. I use a solid piece of paper lawn bag as substrate, then put a strip of scotch tape all along the edges; keeps bugs and geckos from getting under there :)

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