Odd behavior

Nate Davis

New Member
Aliquippa, PA
Hi all. My I think female is weird I think. When I rescued her, she only had one hide and was on sand. No moist hide. She now is very fat and healthy, but avoids the hot side of my tank mostly and had never once used the moist hide I put in the tank for her. She basically never leaves her cool side hide. Rarely she will go bask on the hot side hide after eating. She sheds and eats just fine.

Comparing her behavior to my juvi, id night and day. The juvenile sleeps mostly in her moist hide is Pretty active at night ect. Is my large female just a weirdo?

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New Member
Have you tested the floor temperature on the warm side? It's possible it's simply too hot for her. Also if where you live is having warm temperatures, leopard geckos will stick to the cool side during the day until ambient temperature cools down.

You could also try different moist hide substrate, or move the container a bit so if it currently sits on a warm spot, move it off the warm spot and see if she likes it better. Again with warmer temperature that some States are experiencing, they do tend to avoid the warm hides.

Nate Davis

New Member
Aliquippa, PA
Thanks for the quick reply. The floor temp on the tile is 92 degrees. I'm in PA so it's pretty mild. I'll pick up some new substrate and see if that helps. Thank you.

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SC Geckos

New Member
Ninety is too much.... I have a 85-87 degree temp average on my warm side

This is incorrect information. The ideal surface temp (ground temp) on the warm side of the enclosure should be between 90 - 93. Some keepers vary slightly from this +/- 2 degrees. Once you begin to drop below 88 you raise the risk of issues developing. Can you have a gecko that survives at the lower temps...... sure, but surviving and thriving are to completely different things IMO.

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