Off to Vinnista!


K, the Crazy Snake Lady
Just got back from dropping Jake off at the church for his first mission trip. He and about 30 other people will be spending 9 days in Vinnista, Ukraine. He worked really hard to gather up the funds neccessary for this trip and not only did he make enough for himself, he made $1100 over that was given to another student that wasn't going to be able to go!

I know I brag up Jake alot. Its just he has always been one of those kids that we knew would be a great adult... if he wasn't tried as one first. And to watch this incredible transformation he's made over the last year and a half has been nothing short of amazing.

They finished up the "Blessed or Stressed" series a little bit ago. Theres 9 videos in all, but #5 still has to be my all-time favorite:
Jake is playing the part of "Blessed."

Have a beautiful, wonderful day, everyone!


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