ok, i dont know my "orange" colored morphs too well.


Moyer's Monsters
bethlehem PA
any way, i was at petco to night buying mealworms and customer was returned a leopard gecko. he thought he could save it. i guess when he got it, it was like rock hard with shed. he did an ok job getting rid of most of it. all that was left was a some really super solid shed on its face, and paws. at first i felt sorry for the little bugger. but then i herd one of the employies say "aww look, he has little gloves. hehe :main_laugh: ". i kinda looked at her all wide eyed and shocked and was like uhhhh ill talk that. so i looked at it, and here it is. like i said, the only morphs that i still have real trouble telling the diff between as babies are the SHT, SHTCT, all those kinds. i know its not that hard, but i just never took the time to learn them. i know he doesnt look that great, but ive never seen a normal. and he is BRIGHT orange. but here he is, and he is BRIGHT orange, so i was wandering what he is. reguardless of what he is even if he is just a cool looking normal, hes pretty cool for 15 bucks.
Ps. i also got all the shed off of him aready, and i think his eye might be infected, so ill prob take him to the vet if it doesnt look better other the next 2 or 3 days.


thanx guys
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Moyer's Monsters
bethlehem PA
pss, i know hes not a normal. but like i said what ever he is, im not expecting too much, i just felt soooo bad when i head that lady say what she did.


Moyer's Monsters
bethlehem PA
thats cool. this little bugger basicly had like a helmit on his head. and you can see that he still had a little peace above his eye in that pic.


That toe on the back left foot in that picture looks pretty damaged :(

That will be a nice hypo tangerine carrot tail in a few months. Maybe even super hypo.

Hypo (aka hypomelanistic)- two root words: Hypo = less or little; Melanistic = having to do with dark pigment; Hypomelanistic = less dark pigment. Meaning that there will be less dark pigment and spots than a normal.

Super hypo- A hypomelanistic with NO spots on body.

Carrot tail- Having alot of darker (darker orange than tangerine) orange pigment starting at the base of the tail and extending at least 10%. On yours you can kinda see the start of a carrot behind the back right leg.

And then tangerine is pretty obvious. The other traits in the SHTCT gene pool take time to "fill in" but you can tell if its a tang when it hatches.

Im also going to guess that its a female, based on the darker color of the bands :main_robin:


Moyer's Monsters
bethlehem PA
omg, i didnt even notice the back toe. i was just happy when i got everything off of it. thanks for the info, i knew all those terms, and as adults i can tell them apart 95% of the time. its only as babies, that i cant tell them apart. that would be pretty wicked if it turned out to be a she, and a hypo tan. thanks for pointing out the toe, imm ganna take care of that.


Im in NOVA and I wouldn't be surprised if the same distributor is covering your PetCo and mine. There have been a huge influx of really bright orange leos coming in, and I grabbed a few. One of the babies looked a bit like yours the day I brought her home, and now 3 months later, she is all orange from head to carrot tail. Your going to get a nice surprise as she/he grows. That was so aweosme of you to resuce it. Was she/he $24?

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