Ok so we hate buying leo's from Petsmart but...


You call it "rescuing her", but in reality your really helping the petstore make a profit to purchase MORE leos that will need to be "rescued". It would of been a good thing if that was the LAST leo they try to sell, but its not. So unless you plan on continuing to "rescue" every new leo that goes through Petsmart, your not helping the situation AT ALL. Seeing that you have so many leos and probably breed them, you should know better. You couldn't find a leo from a independant breeder ? Thats a shame.


New Member
Wow, well I call it "rescuing" because they are usually in a smaller space than normal. It just something I say because we treat each and every of our geckos like a member of the family regardless of whether its a breeder for us or a pet and I'd like to think nobody treats them like we do. I actually work next door to this Petsmart and am in there 3-4 days a week. All of their animals are well taken care of and I assure you this gecko obviously would have been snatched up had I not done so myself. I apologize for using the word "rescue" and striking a nerve. The situation is nothing like my dogs or cats who would have been euthanized had I not adopted them. This gecko would have had a good life whether I bought it or not. I've seen many geckos at shows in despicable conditions and mistreated. They're intent is to make a profit also is it not?


Winchester, UK
You call it "rescuing her", but in reality your really helping the petstore make a profit to purchase MORE leos that will need to be "rescued". It would of been a good thing if that was the LAST leo they try to sell, but its not. So unless you plan on continuing to "rescue" every new leo that goes through Petsmart, your not helping the situation AT ALL. Seeing that you have so many leos and probably breed them, you should know better. You couldn't find a leo from a independant breeder ? Thats a shame.

Your concerns are 100% right and I agree totally HOWEVER I think you'll find in this instance the quote "rescuing her" was used as a jokey excuse justifying buying her! lol

I constantly try to justify buying things when you know you shouldn't really :p

I personally think shes stunning and was a well wort buy :) congrats


New Member
I agree it was totally an excuse to buy her, for $30 most of us would. I however would not purchase her if the living conditions were deplorable and inhumane. In this case they were not as I know the employees well.


Central TX.
Very pretty :main_yes: I bought 2 from my Pet smart also in Temple TX. they were well cared for and the store smells clean. not like petco. That place stinks :main_angry: and i was there one day and the tank was at 70 degrees and the little guy was all scaly with black feet so i said something and they said they were having problems with tanks and the vender's were called to fix it. Poor little guys. Dexter is a hypo tangerine and Morgan is a high yellow. Both were healthy and very pretty and tame. But getting spoiled. We have bought 4 tanks and upgraded.
The current tank is 48x24x18 custom wood tank with built in light on the ceiling. We switched caves a while back but Dexter didn't want anything to do with it, so we returned it and put his old cave back in his favorite warm moist hide spot on the UTH on a tile and he is happy again. Well we also had a bonsai they quit using so I traded it for a XL cave which is 12" wide so when they are adults it will be perfect and it was on sale. Well Dexter doesn't seem to like it as well )-: It has a warm cloth in it all the time and i warm up with hot water and sits on the UTH.
My question is If he gets cold i wonder if he will go in there? Or are Leo's stubborn and set in there ways? It is hot now in TX. so we installed a small 4" fan to the ceiling for circulation and the cool side is usually around 84-86 and in the moist hide on the UTH it is set at 90 degrees. My husband says leave it there because they will know where they need to go for warmth and coolness. I wonder as they seem spoiled or stubborn. Any thoughts will be appreciated.


Fallen Angel's Geckos
Stockton, CA
Simply "not buying" geckos from PetSmart really doesn't force them to stop selling them anyways, there's always going to be people in the market that want to take one home. The solution isn't to hope they stop selling all together, but to educate the managers/workers at stores that DO have problems. If you go to a PetSmart and it's THAT bad, DO something about it. She's already expressed that this store doesn't have the issues that you may see at other stores.

That's just my 2 cents.. anyway..

Lovely gecko you have, I've never seen such a beautiful one at the store before. Awesome find :main_thumbsup:

Josh P.

New Member
By the way, I do find ironic that some people decide to jump on users in this community that purchase geckos on pet stores and get all judgmental but none of them has actually participated, supported or helped sharing the word on a thread I opened nearly a week ago about a really problematic case of a company that mistreats their geckos in shipping, steals from their clients and works at one of the major reptile shows in the globe - Terrastika in Hamm. That is a real problem, far more serious and inhumane than simply purchasing a gecko at a pet store, and yet most people doesn't simply seem to care. Makes me question if the whole drama that I see in some posts concerning the welfare of leopard geckos isn't sometimes nothing more than false morality...

Sorry about the rant, but I'm genuinely concerned about the health and welfare not just of geckos but of animals in general and this kind of situations of animal abuse are really insulting. If you're interested, you can find the original thread in here: http://geckoforums.net/showthread.php?t=88337


New Member
Central Texas
Very pretty :main_yes: I bought 2 from my Pet smart also in Temple TX. they were well cared for and the store smells clean. not like petco. That place stinks :main_angry: and i was there one day and the tank was at 70 degrees and the little guy was all scaly with black feet so i said something and they said they were having problems with tanks and the vender's were called to fix it. Poor little guys. Dexter is a hypo tangerine and Morgan is a high yellow. Both were healthy and very pretty and tame. But getting spoiled. We have bought 4 tanks and upgraded.
The current tank is 48x24x18 custom wood tank with built in light on the ceiling. We switched caves a while back but Dexter didn't want anything to do with it, so we returned it and put his old cave back in his favorite warm moist hide spot on the UTH on a tile and he is happy again. Well we also had a bonsai they quit using so I traded it for a XL cave which is 12" wide so when they are adults it will be perfect and it was on sale. Well Dexter doesn't seem to like it as well )-: It has a warm cloth in it all the time and i warm up with hot water and sits on the UTH.
My question is If he gets cold i wonder if he will go in there? Or are Leo's stubborn and set in there ways? It is hot now in TX. so we installed a small 4" fan to the ceiling for circulation and the cool side is usually around 84-86 and in the moist hide on the UTH it is set at 90 degrees. My husband says leave it there because they will know where they need to go for warmth and coolness. I wonder as they seem spoiled or stubborn. Any thoughts will be appreciated.

I live in temple too!!!


Leopard Gecko Mami
GREAT FIND! I would have snatched him up too, despite me trying to restrict myself form any more animals, LOL


Central TX.
I live in temple too!!!
That's cool Cody, We have been here a year and 9 months. Drove down from Washington state. It was so pretty on the drive but long. Whats funny Is the way we got so into these cute little dude's is we caught 3 wild geckos a few months ago, We researched them and found they can never be tamed and they stress themselves out so much from being caught they either stop eating or have heart attacks so we put them back in our yard. And here we are with big time spoiled Leo's. Dexter and Morgan, They have such fun personalities and whats so funny is for such a little animal they are very smart and picky about there hides and surroundings. We still don't know what they are, they are to young. We bought them together from Petsmart, They do get along so well, If males we hope they continue as buds. If they are girls they are going to have some silly names. I have read on the forum the breeders incubate the eggs at high fast temps. which usually produces a male and the breeders can produce more geckos with short turn around time.


New Member
You call it "rescuing her", but in reality your really helping the petstore make a profit to purchase MORE leos that will need to be "rescued". It would of been a good thing if that was the LAST leo they try to sell, but its not. So unless you plan on continuing to "rescue" every new leo that goes through Petsmart, your not helping the situation AT ALL. Seeing that you have so many leos and probably breed them, you should know better. You couldn't find a leo from a independant breeder ? Thats a shame.

Why are you assuming that every store mistreats there animals?. I understand where you are coming from, but your are hypocritical to call someone out on buying a gecko from a store without knowing the conditions, when in reality there are TONS of breeders who mistreat the animals to save a few bucks. And don't even get me started on some of the conditions I seen some geckos in at reptile shows.

Back to point. Great pick up,for 30 dollars thats a steal. Beautiful gecko.
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New Member
I don't buy any new reptiles - i "rescue" them al for full price haha What hubby doesn't know won't hurt him ;) xx

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