Okay im taking her to the vet


New Member
Majorly annoyed now :main_angry:
Ive had nothing but trouble since November with Stevie.
Last meal was October.
Shes still not eating.
I now know for sure its not an environmental factor.
It may be a stress problem, not sure.
And in the next couple of days shes going to shed again, and with her not eating propperly its going to be an awful shed again, which im going to have to aid her on.
Seriously just want to scream!

Also ive decided im going to way her daily to watch her weight. She doesnt seem to have lost any, especialy on her tail


New Member
Ontario Canada
Good idea, that's a long time to not eat. i hope it's nothing serious but that you get some answers. I read your other posts, did you manage to get the hot side down to a reasonable temp? Also I read that you use wallpaper on the warm side. I know you can't use adhesive shelf liner because when the glue heats up it's toxic, I'd be worried that if there is any glue (even dry glue), on the back of the wallpaper that it could also be toxic. Also, do you still keep the repti carpet moist on the cool side? How is the humidity in the tank?


New Member
yeah the temps are fine now the hot side ranges between 89-92F depending on my room temp.
theres no glue at all on wallpaper thats the first thing i made sure off before putting it in.
i dont keep the carpet moiste all the time due to bacterial issues, just where humid hide is and i give it the occassional spray to keep the humidity.

Giving that thought he used to have a waterfall in his enclousure which provided humidity, and i switched it off coz it was a nightmare to clean coz she kept urinating in it. Maby ill try turning that back on so theres a more constant humidity instead of it getting into a dry heat


New Member
Ontario Canada
I was under the impression that the humidity should be low (like 30%), except for in the humid hide. I heard that if it's too high it can cause respiratory infections.

Anyway I hope the vet has some answers for you.

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