OMG!! I found the culprit!!!


Happy Gecko Family
A bit of history first: In early January, I discovered my geckos had pinworms, and after continuous treating and strict hygene for 2.5 months, the problem didn't improve the slightest bit. I checked my geckos' feeding record (yes, I take record of what they had eaten, how much they'd eaten and also what supplements were used everytime...) and discovered a similarity between the ones that were always positive for pinworms: all of them are roach lovers!

Finally today, I tested the roach's poop. The first time I tried it, I mashed a whole roach then did a floatation, but nothing came up. Then I tried another method by squeezing some roach nymphs until they poop, then look at the fresh wet poop directly under the microscope. And to my suprise, I found ALOT of things!!

Not only I saw many pinworm eggs, I even spotted a few adult pinworms swimming in there. There are also other things (big and small) that I cannot identify, that were spinning and squirming everywhere...

I understand that the insect species of parasites cannot infect and do harm to my geckos, is this right? But anyway, I am going to exterminate both my colonies (I have both dubias and discoids); and will stay with mealworms and silkworms from now on...this is sad, as roaches are meant to be a good type of food.

This is such a great relieve for me! :p


Happy Gecko Family
Do you think the pinworms already existed in the original breeder roaches that I bought? What are the chances that both my colonies got infected during my cavitity? They need to come in contact with some other infected bugs in order to get infected? I wish to start all over again, but don't know if I shall buy from the same source again...?


New Member
Weymouth MA
I'd go with a new source simply to feel safer. As for the other questions, I've had luck asking entomolgy depts at colleges before.


New Member
DeKalb/Wheeling IL
I can only imagine your face when you finally figured that out! That is great. I would also say to start over from a different source. Chances are, if it has stayed around this long, it is because it is everywhere. Good Luck.

Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
Since pinworms have a direct life-cycle, technically they cannot infect two hosts at the same time. The pinworms you are seeing in the fecals are most likely infecting the feeders, not the gecko. If it was me, I would still replace the roaches with a new colony just because it would make me crazy worrying that my geckos were infected...


Happy Gecko Family
I need to feed them mealworms only for at least one week, then do fecals again, if all the fecals turn out negative, then I can be sure that the problem is 100% from the feeders.

With the roaches, I bought them from a reputable source and had never ever heard one person complaining about his roaches having parasites, so I was thinking it could be my problem. I had been thinking hard last night about where possibly could all those parasites come from; and I can only guess that its from the eggcrates that I got from the fresh food market. Won't suprise me if there are tons of cockroaches, and rats in the food market, and might have come into contact with the egg crates that I picked up.


Seminole, FL
most feeder insects will carry pin worms and often flagylatesof some sort so using flagyl and panacur as a preventative measure. I would definitely switch to a new supplier to be safe.
Like Marica said that they are only infecting the feeders most likely but if the gecko happens to step in it's own feces or the feeder's then it can become a problem. Although you stated that you practiced good husbandry. I would switch by all means to be safe.. Nasty little vermin eh!?


I don't suppose you can panacur a few adult roaches? Then use them as a new colony nucleus?


Happy Gecko Family
MichaelJ said:
most feeder insects will carry pin worms and often flagylatesof some sort so using flagyl and panacur as a preventative measure. I would definitely switch to a new supplier to be safe.
Like Marica said that they are only infecting the feeders most likely but if the gecko happens to step in it's own feces or the feeder's then it can become a problem. Although you stated that you practiced good husbandry. I would switch by all means to be safe.. Nasty little vermin eh!?

I believe the roaches' pinworms (species specific) won't infect my geckos, they are simply eaten along with the roach and then passed straight through the gecko's system. Nonetheless, I had threw away all my roaches now and am now waiting for a new batch. My suspicion is now confirmed, I checked my geckos' feces again after they stopped eating roaches for 1 week+, no more pinworm eggs are found. :main_yes:

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