One of my females not eating as usual?


New Member
One of my females has stopped eating like she usually does (she is usually one of my best eaters. Normally would eat everything I offer her..)....Like over the past week or two shes eaten like..4 or 5 crickets. She is pooping but in very small amounts and when it dries it has like yellow crumbly like stuff? It kinda looks like cornmeal o_O?.. Shes on repticarpet. There is nothing she could eat besides her food..She doesn't look like shes lost to much weight but I want to figure this out before she does lose A lot. She doesn't seem lethargic I see her move around a lot. I haven't changed ANYTHING..Which now that I think about it. She started doing this after her last shed. She shed like she usually does. Nothing odd & no issues.


New Member
Stockholm, Sweden, Sweden
Hmmm I kind of recognize this behavior from one of my geckos. He actually eats a lot less AFTER he's been shedding. Does your female eat again after a while when she is finished shedding or does she not eat at all anymore? If she has been eating 4-5 crickets so far, I would not worry too much :) She is also active as usual?

The best thing you can do is to monitor her eating habits, check her weight continuously and keep offering her food. You might want to double check her temperatures as well in case the heating equipment has gone crazy.

Keep us updated! I think its a really nice thing that you want to prevent her from having any eventual health issues. You really seem to care about her :) That is really nice :)


New Member
She stopped eating afterr she shed...And now shes about to shed again. She is eating some but not as usual. for 3 or 4 days she didnt eat at all. I have been checking her temps and everything is still normal. Her activity levels are normal. I have a binder with charts for each one of my geckos and I write what all I fed them and how much they ate from what they got the previous day so I know exactly what they've eaten. Shes my high yellow normal..So nothing special to most people but shes one of my sweetest geckos! (well they're mostly all sweet now but she was the first to be that way! lol) And ive already lost one because it stopped eating (it had issues from the beginning though and never was a good eater and never got calm..she would try to bite me all the time)

my feeding chart
my weight charts


New Member
Stockholm, Sweden, Sweden
I understand :) My favorite leo is just a normal, but he is the sweetest of the whole bunch :D

It does seem that she eat every 3 to 4 days (like you just wrote). If she is an adult with a plump tail then she might not need to eat that much, but if she is a juvenile then she would have to eat more. She might even be on her way to brumating. But its hard to tell without all the information: How old is your girl? Is she housed with other geckos? What are your cage temps on the floor?

It would help out a lot if you filled out the health questionnare and posted a picture or two of her and her setup :)


New Member
her tail is still fat but it is usually fatter. Shes not quite a year old. Id say 7-9 months old. I keep her hot side at 95. Shes housed by herself In the same 10gallon as when I got her.


(the white on the reptile carpet is her calcium she spilled it yesterday. I have the thermometer on the floor on her warmside and I also use a..uhhh I cant think of the word atm lol)


She shed last night


Shes def. Not skinny


Her poop has this yellow crumbly stuff in it.


New Member
About your leo:
- Sex- female
- Age & Weight 7-9 months 30.5 grams
- How long have you owned your leo month & half
- Where was he/she obtained (Pet store/friend)

A) Health/History
- How often do you handle your leo- Almost daily while moving her to clean out her tank
- Is your leo acting any different today? If so how does he/she normally act which differs from now. Acting the same just not eating as well
- Has he/she had any problems in the past, if so please describe. no
B) Fecals
- Describe (Smaller & has yellow crumbly stuff)
- When was the last time he/she went Last night
C) Problem
- Please briefly describe the problem and how long it has been going on
(not eating as much as usual. 2weeks)

A) Enclosure
- Size 13gal
- Type (glass tank)
- Type of substrate repticarpet
- Hides, how many, what kind (moss humid hide, rock cave warm hide
B) Heating
- Heat source UTH
- Cage temps (hot side, cool side) Hot side 95 cool side 75-80
- Method of regulating heat source Lamp Dimmer
- What are you using to measure your temps Thermometer on the floor & infared thermometer)
- Do you have any lights (describe) Outside light through the window is all
C) Cage mates
- How many (males, females) none
- Describe health, or previous problems none

Describe Diet:
A) Typical diet
- What you're feeding (Daily: mealworms dubia and crickets, an occasional superworm)
- How are you feeding (left in dish)
B) Supplements (describe how often)
- What vitamin/minerals are you using (Repashy. Thinking about adding vionate)
- What are you gut loading food with (Veggies, some fruits, bran, and flukers cricket diet)

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