Only eats headless mealworms?


New Member
We've had our raptor leo for about a month now and she's been pretty reluctant to eat. She gets really close to the mealworms like she's going to eat them, but never does. Almost like she smells them and changes her mind. I know the not eating can be a pretty normal thing, but just for the heck of it I cut the head off of a meal worm tonight and she ate it right up, three of them actually.

Has anyone ever run across this? I know the deal about cutting the heads off is a myth, but I thought maybe the mealworms were nipping at her when she tried to eat them or something? I'm gut loading them in dog food powder and oats with a few grapes and carrots mixed in. Maybe she's turned off by the smell?

The previous owner had her on crickets, but I've had a couple in her tank for a week or so and she has no interest at all.

Anyway, any thoughts on this?



Reptile Enthusiast
Titusville, Florida
That just might be her prefference. I know my leo will not eat supers but eats milies and does the same little sniff thing like you said when he sees them. Like yesterday i had a few little supers a friend gave me from his colony and they were almost identical to the melies in size shape and color so i put them in his food bowl with some melies and he ate all the mealies and picked through them and then dichted the supers until i took them out and put in more mealies and then he started eating again

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