Aside from huge breeder I would be surprised if someone could live off breeding geckoes O-o
I am very eager to discover the actual answer to this.
personally I have a few and they are of different species I will never breed I will consider my goal to be fulfilled if they stay healthy, well cared for and live in nice enclosures.
This is an interesting thread. I'm interested to see the answers. I love reading the posts from the breeders. The amount of work they put into it and the care and dedication they exhibit is amazing. I have no interest in breeding my Gecko. She is a cherished pets for me and we will be adding atleast one more. But I'll be interested to see how this poll turns out.
I have a full time job in addition to breeding geckos. I work third shift so here is my daily routine. I get up about 8 pm and take a shower. 8:30-11:00 is spent in the gecko room. 11:00 I finish getting ready for work, and am out the door about 11:15. I get back home about 8:30. I take care of other things around the house, and am in bed about noon. If I miss a day in the gecko room for whatever reason I have to make that up in the morning when I get home. Some mornings I also do some of the work I was unable to get done in the evenings such as pictures and replying to emails. I also do 2 local shows each month. One is about 1 hour away, and the other 3 hours away. The one 3 hours away adds up to about a 20 hour day. This is for a facility with about 200 total animals max during the breeding season. Most large scale breeders have employees either full-time or part-time.
I am a stay at home mom/wife, so I technically don't have a job. I just breed geckos, but I haven't made any money from breeding them. I always just put it back into buying more geckos, better racks, etc. I definitely don't do it for the money. I enjoy breeding and really want to work to improve morphs if I can. My main goal is just to produce pretty, healthy geckos.
Aside from being a wedding, baptism, and memorial service minister, I work with geckos exclusively with no other job. After all is done, the pay amounts to below minimum wage.
I'm breeding as a hobby as a means to keep this hobby going. It's an expensive hobby that takes a lot of your free time. And it's added responsibility because you can't just send 50 geckos to a pet clinic to have them babysit while you go on vacation.
Making a few bucks here and there is nice, but like mentioned above, all you end up doing is putting the money back into this hobby to either buy more geckos or better equipment. And yes I have a fulltime job where I'm on call 24/7. I wouldn't dare to think about jeopardizing a fulltime job in exchange for an expensive hobby. This fulltime job is actually paying the bills heh.
I'll add that I've seen a lot of the breeders don't exclusively breed leopard geckos, because they make a lot more money from boas and pythons. So if you are only wanting to breed geckos for money, you are probably looking at the wrong species to breed.