Only layed one egg.


New Member
I have a female that I purchased as a group of 1.2. They were housed together previously. When I got them they went into rack in separate tubs. She layed 2 eggs when I first got her. (I assume are good cause I can see development and they still candle bright red). Then she layed one dud and one good. Then 2 good.

Now she has layed a dud 12 days after her last set. I can still see a full formed egg in her. She went off food a few days before she layed. (As normal with the rest of the clutches). Now she is eating again...with an egg in her. Does she need a vet visit? Should I just wait its only been 12 days since last clutch. She is eating and pooping normal. She layed the dud 2 nights ago. I left her alone last night hoping she would pop but it was a no go.

Any advice would be great. As always, Thanks. -Will


Well, I hope she doesn't have egg binding. I say you should wait a little to see if she absorbs it, or if she lays it. I've never bred myself though, so I'm only going by what I've read.


New Member
Wait it out my female laid two eggs five days after breeding I think do to stress they were a little small but fertile she didn't lay again till Tuesday so just wait it out and maybe in a couple days soak her in water
good 'ol AL :/
Our Blizzard did the same thing. She only laid one egg and the first was a dud. She also went back to eating normally. .... She laid the second egg about 1 week later and it was fertile. Maybe that will be the case with yours as well. We did separate her though to be sure that it wasn't from stress. So I would make sure she stays by herself for the time being. ....


New Member
She popped tonight. I'm glad. Looks fertile. Thanks everyone. Never stopped eating. I think I might cool her early in hope of no more eggs.

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