so i been looking at different live foods for my lizards and ive come across calci worm , i was thinking of using them but wanted to see what people think of them before i buy some
would they be ok for leopard geckos ? :main_thumbsup:
From what I can see, they are okay to use but some leos will not eat them and they aren't to be used as a staple. They don't last very long as you can't refrigerate them and they turn into gnats within 2 weeks. I don't have any experience with them, this is just from the first few results on google
Most Leo's hate them. You can refrigerate them, though, just not at as cool of temps as most fridges are set at. My local shop recommends them be kept at wine-cooler temps.
Don't do it. Leos hate them and they stink to the high heavens. I wish I never bought them. I ended up feeding them to my turtles and taking a day to clean the stench from the worms out of my room. I'm never purchasing them again.
They certainly can be used as a staple if your lizards like them. One of my leo's loves them, the other is iffy about them. My blue tongued skink and my box turtles love them.
It seems like my geckos don't like them. Neither of my leos do and my crested gecko would actually freak out and run away from the worms. Somehow, if the worms were still a bit wet, they could climb out of a food dish. You have to make sure to let them dry first.
Both my turtles loved these worms, but even my beardie didn't eat them. Strange ...
I have ordered Phoenix worms, and while mine did not smell, they didn't last a terribly long time (part of that is my fault-I ordered 600 and I only have 1 gecko :main_no. However, he did seem to like them!
All of my geckos love them. They're a superior feeder and they will store for several weeks at 50F. Read more about them: The Phoenix Worm Store Home Page