Opinion on Pacific Greens


New Member
Epping, NH
So I'm aware that Pacific Green isn't it's own morph, it's more of a physical characteristic that is line bred. I have a gorgeous male Pacific Green Tremper het. RAPTOR who I'm planning on being the base of a RAPTOR project and I'll be expecting some pretty Trempers out of that as well.

I'm just curious, has anyone here really worked with Pacific Greens or any of the Emerines (Emerald, Extreme Emerine, etc) and found that it was extremely rewarding? I won't be labeling the offspring as PG's, they won't all be from PG bloodlines (50% at most so it's not even worth it unless I breed to another PG), I'm just going to be playing around to see what patterns and how vibrant I can get them. I love the look of "Extreme Emerine" RAPTORs so I guess that's what I'll be going for, but we'll see! Just wanted some opinions on breeding.


Ridgewood, NJ
Pacific Green is a line of tangerine developed by Pacific Geckos. They usually exhibit a high amount of green coloration. I think the line in itself isn't the rewarding part of working with leos but having a goal you're working toward and getting closer to it is. So if you really love green coloration that line may be very rewarding to work with. If you really like yellow and black geckos it will probably not be rewarding. Totally an individual thing. I believe geckos that show high amounts of green tend to make brighter raptors. If that's what you want to try to make I'd go for it! Several years of line breeding with intelligent outcrosses to geckos from other lines that display the characteristics you're aiming for should get you closer to your goal. How close depends on the quality of the breeders you begin with and the choices you make - along with a little bit of luck :)


New Member
Epping, NH
Oh, I absolutely love the green in them. I think it definitely adds a certain vibrancy to the oranges. I love reduced patterns, I think what I would be going for is a reduced pattern Pacific Green RAPTOR to really bring out that orange. I also want to see what it will add to the simple TAlbino patterns. The male that I have now is breathtaking, he started off with a lot of white/lavender on his body and still has a very white head with super cool eyes. It'd be cool to produce more that look like him. Thank you so much for your opinion! Definitely has made me more confident.


Ghoulish Geckos
It may be hard to find any, but Hot Geckos Tangs used to have a lot of green in many of them, too. I had one that surprised me with the amount of green coloring.

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