Opinions on what might have happened


New Member
Weymouth MA
Well, I may have OD'd Gabe's gecko last night. I have no clue of what happened. I had given it its medicine for the bacterial infection. One small drop. I was feeding it (small drops of squash with meal worms & a sprinkling of calcium on her nose).

Eba went crazy, started lunging at everything, biting, spun around in a circle, let out a banshee scream, kicked its back legs straight out & went limp. It gave a couple more screams. Gabe saw it all happen. Lemme tell you this was messed up!!! Made me think of those goats that faint when stressed, but more frightening. I thought for sure it was dead.

I told Gabe I had no idea of what just happened, but we'd put it back into its hide & check later. Within 1/2 hour it was moving again. The legs all in proper form. This morning Eba is no longer rabid or crazy. I touched her without being bit & she didn't freak.

Gabe gave me the "it's all your fault." Maybe? I really don't know kiddo. I'm just trying to help it. I have until Friday to take it back. I'm thinking it's going tomorrow, I'll get a refund & wait until the reptile show in April where G can pick one out from a reliable source.

Honest opinions wanted please. Do you know what happened? Have you ever seen this kind of behavior? Am I wimping out on Eba by considering taking it back to petco?

Thanks (fyi Hidey is perfectly fine & happy & quite the stealth hunter :) )


New Member
Weymouth MA
Got in touch with the vet. He said he has seen this happen. It's most likely a reaction to the flavor of the medicine. Wow. So now I'm going to mix it with chicken flavored baby food. I had a 175lb great dane that had epilepsy & never, ever saw an episode like that! This medicine must taste like butt!!!

The save the world gene in me is still strong. If the doc says I can do it, Eba stays. Hopefully I won't be seeing another episode like that since I have to medicate her every other day for 30 days!

Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
WOW, how scary! I don't know why Eba would do that... I have never seen a gecko act like that. What medication are you giving her? I have seen geckos shake their heads back and forth violently when they didn't like the taste of the meds or supplements I gave them, but not spaz out like you described!


New Member
Weymouth MA
To the best of my ability to read his writing: SM3 TMP ped susp. It's very pale pink liquid. He said it is know to cause a numbing sensation of the tongue.


Doctors writing

good one!
i think it's SMZ TMP generic for the drugs in Bactrim.


New Member
Kaua'i, Hawaii
I know it's late but I have used those meds before and yes the gecko does not like it. I mix it in with crushed wax worms.

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