Optimal Tame-Ability Age?


New Member
I was originally worried about Geckos not being easy to tame but just from reading several posts for 30 min. I can see that's not going to be an issue!

How old should my leopard gecko be to insure optimal tame-ability?? I want to make sure I can tame it and chill with it like I did my ball python years ago. The Petco down the road sells them for 30 bucks as juveniles. How old are they when they are considered to be juveniles?

I have never had a leopard Gecko however, and don't really know how to take care of one. I'm trying to educate myself.

Where do I start with the beginning steps of taking care of one:

IE.- sand vs. carpet- why is sand so bad?
rock vs. plants
I think i know what kind of set up I want, but I'm not sure if it would be the best. I want one of the tall ones with the doors that open on the side. I want to set it up with plants and hidey-holes. would this be best or go for a ....?

any animal I get I want to take care of as best as humanly possible. I want the terrarium to be as close to its natural environment as possible.

Please, Any advice is appreciated.

Thank you.


Hats Off Exotics
As for tameness it really depends on the gecko IMO. I have one leo that would be content with being with me or held all day long and another that wont hold still for 3 seconds. Generally if you handle them when they're young they dont mind it AS MUCH. Leopard geckos are easily stressed so hold it too much and you'll cause problems.

NO SAND! Leos can see sand (certain types like calci sand) like a calcium for them. They get their calcium by ingesting it and by ingesting sand it causes impaction and possible death. They can also ingest it when you feed them and they get sand with the insect they are eating. Heres a good sand article http://whitney05.hubpages.com/hub/Impaction
Repti carpet is not that great either. There are some pretty bad pics I have seen where leos have gotten their toes and teeth stuck in the carpet fibers. Tile and paper towl is generally the best option. Tile if you want naturalistic. I personally like rock work in my leo tanks.

Best tank to go for would be something with decent floor space. A ten gallon is sufficient for 1 adult. They dont need height unless your talented enough to build a second floor on your tall enclosure which I am not! LOL

And good work on asking and checking proper care and setup before running out and buying one and coming home clueless! :main_thumbsup:
Any other questions feel free to ask!
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