Orlando, FL

Allee Toler

New Member
Mission Bay, CA
I'll be heading there for two months, Nov & Dec, so I need some help looking for a reptile store. I'll be taking one of my leos with me, since she's special needs and only eats for me. I know about Pet Bazaar, which is down the street from my childhood home where I'll be staying.

Any help is appreciated, I've googled til I couldn't google no'mo'. Thought I'd ask for some locals' help,

Allee Toler

New Member
Mission Bay, CA
Pet Bazaar is kind of pricey on their feeders though. Do they still charge out the rear? I remember when I lived in FL I had to pay 10cents a cricket. And 100 mealies were $4.

Do you know of any local leopard gecko breeders?

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