Oryn :)


Corn and Crested Crazy
North Carolina
Here's my little guy Oryn that I got Aug. 31st at an Expo. Took him two weeks to start eating but that was because I was trying rat pups when apparently he was used to mice. Need to switch him over ASAP.





Corn and Crested Crazy
North Carolina
Well... I don't know how but Oryn managed to get out of his tank last night... I was holding him in the evening then put him back a few hours before I went to bed. Then I go to handle him today and he's completely gone. :(

The hatch on the lid was locked/taped because I've had another snake in the same tank get out and the top should have been heavy enough that it was too hard for him to open at his current size. The top wasn't off kilter or anything so there was no indication he was gone until I looked under all of his hides/plant/water dish and sifted through the substrate only to find him gone.


Well that is a great looking little fella, they are so cool when they are young.

As far as the escaping, BPs are amazing escape artists, you wouldn't believe the places they can squeeze through and get themselves in to. So even if you think he couldn't have gotten through the tank lid, you would be surprised.

Here's a few tricks I have learned on how to find a lost BP:

1. Check all dark cracks and crevices, especially where it is warm
2. Look everywhere, don't think he can't possibly be somewhere
3. If you still can't find him, put a thin line of flour at the base of doors at night, only on tile/wood floors, so that you can see where he has been during the night, since they are nocturnal and will be moving mostly then.

Hope this helps and good luck finding him


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