our dog likes killing innocent house plants



so our 4 month german shepherd / chow mix killed 4 house plants today in 3 seperate incidents... i cleaned the last 2. the last one she did, she took out 2 and made a mess so large, i have no idea how she managed it. i had 3 large mounds of dirt to clean in the miving room, one by the plants, one in front on the coffee table, and somehow, one all over the leather sofa. its like she drug a full pot up there and overturned it all over the thing... i came downstairs and saw it, and saw her sitting there all happy to see me. oh i was so frustrated because the mess was HUGE... and it was too late to reprimand her for it. i shouldve taken pictures of it, it was a pretty impressive level of destruction for one puppy.

i dont think my mothers going to be happy about her plants when she comes back from vacation.


New Member
Seminole, Fl
I'd suggest crating her if you can't watch her. Pups are like babies. You wouldn't leave a baby un attended so you shouldn't leave a pup alone either. And those plants aren't so innocent if she eats one that's poison to her. If you are against crating try tether training. You keep her on a leash that's attached to you. Not only does this promote bonding, but you can watch her 100% of the time, which means you see if she has to go out, what she's getting in to et etc. I can send you some training links if you'd like.

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