Our First Hatchling EVER - Super Snow Enigma (het Eclipse)


New Member
Coconut Creek, FL
I woke from restless dreams of babies in the incubator. Through sleep-clogged eyes, the first thing I did was check it. I could not initially see her, but instead noticed that I could not see the egg. Both eggs had been visible the night prior. Squinting closer, I saw this little one in the cup, laying on the moss. She is absolute perfection; big, healthy, active, and precisely the genetic outcome I was hoping for. Early birthday present!

Check out her awesome symmetrical head pattern and white nose... I could see the four black dots of her eyes and "goggles" when I candled her egg. I had no idea what the pattern was at the time. :main_laugh: She has a weird pattern that seems more like just Snow Enigma, but she has solid black eyes, the white nose tip, and is pink and grey, which all indicate Super Snow to me. I do not think that her daddy is het Eclipse; I bought him from Mike Rekowski and he was not labeled as such. Dad is a Mack Snow Lavender Bold Stripe, mom is a Lavender Black Hole.

She is the first baby I have ever hatched. She beat all the odds, environmental and genetic. I am very proud of her!

Oh, question. How long do I leave her in the incubator for before moving her to the hatchling rack? A day? Until her yolk sac falls off? What?


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New Member
Coconut Creek, FL
I know what you mean, based off the photos. The light was very bright, so it's rather washed out but she is pinkish and has a grey dual stripe running head to tail, and a white Super Snow nose and all that. Looks a lot like this one from Eve: http://geckoforums.net/showthread.php?t=63610

The clutchmate started to hatch but seemed to be having some troubles. I cut the egg half open to make it easier on her, and can see a 1-copy Snow baby inside. They are markedly different. This one has a BRIGHT white body and dark black blotches/bands. Cross your fingers for this one... she started coming out tail first, and isn't moving or responsive. =(
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Ghoulish Geckos
Congrats on your first baby! Mack Enigmas sometimes hatch with solid or almost solid eyes. It's something that the enigma gene does to them.


New Member
Ahhhhhhh so CUTE, the baby enigmas are adorable, such pretty lil faces , everyone, hehehee Congratultions!:main_thumbsup::main_laugh:


New Member
Coconut Creek, FL
Unfortunately, the clutchmate did not make it. ;_; She got turned around inside the egg and time ran out I guess. This must be why it seemed like her tail popped out first. It seems I cut the egg too late to help. But I didn't want to cut it too early... A fully formed, beautiful Mack Snow Bold Stripe like the daddy... with a tiny little black tip on the tail. She was moving around inside her egg a lot last night.

As for the luckier baby:

Seeing as today is the 20th not the 21st we decided to drop "Blackjack" and name her Aurora, in sync with her mom's name (Nebula). She is very healthy and lively, and very much the cutest thing ever.

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