Our new leo is the devil.....

good 'ol AL :/
We got our new Leos yesterday. A Raptor male (het Diablo Blanco), a Raptor female, and a Diablo Blanco female. They're all gorgeous and I'm super excited about having them, but that Diable Blanco is the friggin' devil. (lol) We try to handle our geckos so that they stay as nice and domesticated as possible, but this one just will not let you get near her without a fight. If you get anywhere near the upper half of her body she just tries to attack you gecko ninja style and if you get anywhere near the lower half of her body she takes off. I know that it is possible for some geckos to have "mixed feelings" about being in new surroundings, but we have never had one that acted weird when we got them. I don't know what to do b/c I don't wanna handle her and her get stressed and drop her tail or something since we're already dealing with one that now (thanks to tail rot and the vet) has hardly any tail, but I don't want her to continue to act that way to the point where we can't handle her at all, ya know? And I'm also afraid that with her being a t~total~Biz and the male she's with being so large he may hurt her if she tries to ninja his butt too bad. So, yea...thoughts anyone?....
good 'ol AL :/
She's a smidgen over a yr old b/c she's just barely over our age requirement for breeding. And She's with the male (and another female now), but we had not put her in there until late late last night. She was acting like that before we put her in there with him, and I've noticed that he's not really showing any interest in her either, so I don't think that's the reason.........


New Member
Elizabethville, PA
The journey to your house there alone is extremly stressful for the animal, plus the new surroundings, the new people who want to hold then, and a new cage mate (Seperate and quarantine them both now that the initial quarantine has been broken, you wouldn't want your male to catch something the female might've been carrying from the place you got her, would you?), and diablo blanco's (or at least mine) seem to be a bit on edge to begin with. I swear it's the blizzard in them. She acts like my crazy female blizzards and male blazing blizzard. LOL.


New Member
When I first got my gecko years ago she did not want anything to do with me! I would just put my hand in the tank sometimes but not touch her. Over time she's gotten used to me and now I just put my hand in, she licks me, and I pick her up no prob. Good luck! (but you know diablo blanco means white devil in spanish, right? lol)

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