Our secksies


Pittsburgh, PA
Ok, updated pictures of our family. The camera sucks bad so sorry about the quality. I originally only wanted to post a question on Sheila, our hypotang. She hasn't been eating for almost two months. When we first got her she was fine and ate pretty well. Lately she'll just grab one or two large crickets every other feeding. I know it's winter and her hunger won't be great... her huge tail is even now shrinking from not eating. Parasites are not my concern because the others are fine and yes I know that is just a guess however, we think Sheila looks "preggo." Her belly is big and when she is laying or standin in certain positions her tummy looks lumpy/buldgey. We've never bred before but our first male and female (Bert and Sheila) used to be housed together before we got the other 2 females and 1 male... They mated around Thanksgiving if I had to guess. Since we've never bred we have no frst hand experience of what a pregnant female looks like or eating habits.... so that's where you guys and your expertise hopefully will help us!

Thes are some crude pictures of Sheila and her belly shots. You can notice the white marks in her tummy if you look hard enough... are they eggs or just organs?







And now say hello to the rest of the family :)



ELVIS (the little,well used to be little, guy who almost died at the petstore who we saved with your help! Used to be Melanie, but she turned into a he...haha)

This is Zoey! She's out best looking leo :))

Zoey's carrot-tail and she's a super-hypotang!

This is Prescilla! She's turning out to look more and more like Zoey every day. She was literally half the size of my pinky when we got her. She loses more spots every week.

Welp, we hope you guys can help us with Sheila. Her physical and emotional behavior seem to be normal as always so that's not in question. Only her eating habit slowing down. (winter or preggo the cause???)

Thanks !!!!!!
Sam and Chrissie


New Member
Grand Blanc, MI
Elvis looks to be a Bell albino, but a close up eye shot can answer that one better.

Sheila looks to be ovulating, but not with eggs, but those pics aren't that clear. See the pinkish white spots? One in the middle and one up and to your left, those are follicles, that will turn into eggs.


Pittsburgh, PA
BalloonzForU said:
Elvis looks to be a Bell albino, but a close up eye shot can answer that one better.

Sheila looks to be ovulating, but not with eggs, but those pics aren't that clear. See the pinkish white spots? One in the middle and one up and to your left, those are follicles, that will turn into eggs.

Elvis has catlike "bronze-colored" eyes that split and when not in direct light open up and are ruby red. We're told he is a bell albino though as his paterns do no match Tremper. He has really beautiful patterns and color tones compared to some of the other bell albinos we've seen.

When you say she's ovulating and those follicles will turn into eggs:
Would that explain her loss of appetite? also... when they turn into eggs... Is there a chance she does not lay them. What I mean is, is there a chance that she just doesn't lay them and they stay in her? (Like I said, it's been since Thanksgiving day when we placed Bert and Sheila back together to make room for Zoey for a couple weeks) We got Sheila back in September from a PetCo and she was an adult so we did not and still do not know age. We've asked around and majority think she was a breeder that was donated somehow....

Anyway, we're extrememly curious and eager to learn as much as possible about ovulation, breeding, egg laying. We've read all the posts on this site but if anyone knows of a website with an awesome "know-how" that explains this stuff in great detail we'd love to take a look at it. Thank you for you input!!!

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