Our sole pairing for the season:


New Member
Coconut Creek, FL
In the interest of the well-being and manageability of all nine of our extant geckos and any we hatch, we decided on just one pairing for the year. The choice was natural: our two Super Giants.

This post can also serve as the introduction for Titan, our Super Giant Carrot-Headed boy. We picked him in early October*. He comes from Anthony Adams' "Extreme Geckos"; a truly awesome gecko, in both size and coloration. He's a very even-tempered and sociable male who always brings a smile to my face. For a while it seemed like he wasn't going to be interested in breeding this time around, but he finally warmed up to Honeybell last night.

Some time soon we'll have eggs in the incubator from Honeybell and that's pretty exciting. Honeybell is 97 grams, 10" long, and Titan is 127 grams, 10" long. He's getting a bit chubby in the belly - had a little trouble reaching around to clean himself after breeding. I think maybe I need to put him on a diet to lose 10 grams or so. He doesn't have large armpit fat reserves though. Opinions? Does he look too fat?

Honeybell is het Eclipse and Titan is 50% possible het Eclipse, so it would be very cool if we were to get some SG Raptors popping out of the eggs. Fingers crossed for a male 'clipse that we can one day breed to Athena, our MSS 66% possible het Eclipse.

Honeybell two days ago:


Titan shot from yesterday:


Caught in the act:


*[My favorite image host has been down for a while so I hadn't bothered yet, but I've become sick of waiting on them to get their poo back into one sock and opened up a new account on a different site.]
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Spotted Shadow
Western Montana
Those are beautiful geckos, I love the deep orange coloration on both! I especially love Titan, thought he was a Hot Moose for a second because he's so vividly colored!


New Member
Coconut Creek, FL
nice giants.... is that your pillow?

Yep, I socialize my geckos on the bed, and Titan decided it was time. Rather than move them to either tank and ruin the mood, I let them be. How many geckos get to do it on a comfy bed?

I planned on washing my sheets soon anyway. :main_laugh:

Those are beautiful geckos, I love the deep orange coloration on both! I especially love Titan, thought he was a Hot Moose for a second because he's so vividly colored!

I never got a clear understanding of what makes a Hot Moose a Hot Moose, but Titan is a stunning fella all-around. I should make a video maybe of how awesome his temperament is.
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Yep, I socialize my geckos on the bed, and Titan decided it was time. Rather than move them to either tank and ruin the mood, I let them be. How many geckos get to do it on a comfy bed?

I planned on washing my sheets soon anyway. :main_laugh:

My wife would have my head lol... lucky gecko's!


New Member
Coconut Creek, FL
I think Titan's first attempt was unsuccessful and Honeybell has been largely unwilling to let him try again - but recently she did allow it and I am now 90% sure she is gravid. Exciting!

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