Out of crickets, help!

This is kind of urgent, but not really...
Being the pig he is, Oliver finished his crickets today, and now I'm done with any type of bug in my house except for his treat wax worms. I can't go to the store until Saturday, so what could I feed him besides crickets or mealies or any bug??? I think I'll feed him a waxie tomorrow, then lay off them for a couple weeks. Is there any other thing I could feed him? Could I feed any type of fruit of some sort?


New Member
i'd skip tomorrow, give him a waxie or two on thursday and then wait til saturday to feed him if you must. that way he's not starving for 3 days in a row he's just skipping a day in between. you should keep mealies around though, they come in handy when we run out of crickets :p

SC Geckos

New Member
Leopard geckos are for the most part insectivores. They do not eat fruit. If you have to you can feed a few waxworms but I would suggest better planning so you have a constant supply of food on hand. Maybe buy some mealies to keep in the fridge in case you run out of crickets again.
You can skip a day of feeding if you need to with no ill effects.
I fed him yesterday, that's when I ran out. Just a question, how do you keep mealies and wax worms? I heard you're not supposed to keep them in the fridge, so how do you keep them? I think next time I will buy 2 dozen crickets, not one dozen...
Leopard geckos are for the most part insectivores. They do not eat fruit. If you have to you can feed a few waxworms but I would suggest better planning so you have a constant supply of food on hand. Maybe buy some mealies to keep in the fridge in case you run out of crickets again.
You can skip a day of feeding if you need to with no ill effects.

Sometimes I do if I have to. Oliver is still plump and he's a great eater, but he has to work on his aim.:p
Oh yeah, one more question. When I do feed wax worms, how much do I feed him? He's a good sized juvenile, 5 inches from head to tail, can I feed him two? Or just one is enough?


New Member
Your gecko should be able to have two wax worms. I just would avoid feeding him too many because they are fattening. I keep my mealworms in a mixture of blended up oats, corn meal and cat food. I use baby carrots for moisture and then dust the mealworms with repashy calcium plus before feeding.

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