I've been a member here for a little while and keeping lizards for several years. I've had bearded dragons, leopard geckos, uromastyx, forest armadillo lizards, collard lizards, day geckos, anoles and any other cheap pet shop lizard. I decided I want to change things up and start charging my lizards rent. I've been housing and feeding them for all these years and never thought about breeding anything. All this experience in keeping various lizards but none whatsoever in breeding any of them.
So after some changes below is my current situation. I have one normal and one tangerine female leopard that are both around 9 years old. I have a jungle giant male that is around 6 months old, recently purchased from Designer Geckos. I believe my females are too old to mate so I have my eyes set on a beautiful lavender ghost female I'll be picking up this summer. Hope to have some babies next season.
I also have an amazing pair of rare philbyi uromastyx. These are wild caught imported from Saudi Arabia. Extremely shy lizards compared to my geckos who walk right up on my hand. At the very sight of movement my Uros are ready to flee and hide. I just love their blue color and hope to have some babies next season.
So after some changes below is my current situation. I have one normal and one tangerine female leopard that are both around 9 years old. I have a jungle giant male that is around 6 months old, recently purchased from Designer Geckos. I believe my females are too old to mate so I have my eyes set on a beautiful lavender ghost female I'll be picking up this summer. Hope to have some babies next season.
I also have an amazing pair of rare philbyi uromastyx. These are wild caught imported from Saudi Arabia. Extremely shy lizards compared to my geckos who walk right up on my hand. At the very sight of movement my Uros are ready to flee and hide. I just love their blue color and hope to have some babies next season.