Pairing question


New Member
I have 6 crested geckos 2 adults (1 male 1 female), 3 subadults (3 females), and one baby (unknown). Right now I have all of the females together and they have been together for a few months with no problems. I have been thinking about putting the to adults together. Is it better to have more then one female with a male or does it not really matter.


Melissa the Scientist
Toledo oh
There are a few things to look at. One is your male 30g or more, are your females 35g or more? How big is the tank? Are you ready for eggs? Reguardless of how big the geckos are, if they are over 25g the male will attempt to breed with the female. Males reach breeding size by 30g, females at 35g, so if they ar enot up to those weights I would hold off. Also the size of the tank. As males will often pester females into breeding, you will want to go with at least a 20 gallon high, I myself would do a 29. But then again I do not house my males and females together all year around, it can be stressfull on the female and if she isnt large enough she can have issues laying eggs, or become calcium deficient. If the female doesnt get a chance to cool down, she will loose to much weight from egg laying. Remember reptiles come together to breed then go their seperate ways, they dont hang out afterwards to

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