parasite control.


New Member
It's getting expensive paying for fecals for every new herp I aquire. When I was only getting new reptiles every once in awhile it didn't hurt me any. But When I'm getting multiple reptiles at a time it gets pretty expensive. I was wondering how everyone deals with parasite control. as of right now any new arrival gets a fecal and meds from the vet if anything is found. I bought this stuff called worm guard that is supposed to control worms and parasites. I want some opinions on this product. Could it be used as a preventative? like give it to any new arrivals and every few months to all my animals just incase?

I also know some people know how to do there own fecals. What is the best equipment to get in order to do this? I have taken a vet tech course so I can recognisee what it is im looking at in the poo. I have a book for guidance. although I have never actually done a fecal.

So basically I'm asking if I can bypass the vet if I learn how to do my own fecals and use this product, and Only have to take them in for meds if it's something I can't fix?


Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
I don't do my own fecals, but I know others do. I do take a stool sample in for every newly acquired gecko, but fortunately I have been doing it for so long and so many times that the local vet here in town will perform a float and smear for $14 without bringing the animal in. Perhaps if you can develop a good rapport with your vet he/she can do the same for you?


New Member
Thanks Marcia. I get sort of a discount with my vet. If I take in more then one animal, He will only charge me one visit fee. But I still have to pay full price for any meds or tests run. Sometimes I get a brake on it but not always.

for fecals I also just bring in the poo unless I feel the animal should be seen.


Resident PITA
Winston Salem, NC
I used worm guard for a long time on imports and what I did was use it for 7 days straight then weekly. I also used it on established animals weekly. Its comparable to parazap, its an all natural supplement that has an appetite stimulate with a slight laxative effect. It stimulates the appetite to remove excess parasites naturally.

I never had a problem with it or had an import die from parasites or be tested to show a high count.

You can try the local community college too, my vet teaches a biology class at ours and she takes my fecals (10 or more) for $5 each. Only thing is that a couple of times Ive had the report come back but the student lost the ID # so if more than 1 ID# was missing I didn't know which animal is was for.

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