Parasite lab result conflicting


Geckos of Oz
Las Vegas, NV
Ok so I have a completly isolated male I suspected had parasites. He was diagnosed by the vet as having roundworms. He has since been treated with 3 days of pancur and a repeat 3 more days 2 weeks later.

Now this is my problem. Its been a few months since then but Iam still visually able to see tiny clearish white worms in his stool. Ive gone to the vet two additional times for additional fecals both have come back negetive. I can clearly see the worms alive in his stool. Even with a less then 12hr. fecal that was still moist, refrigerated and could see the worms it still came back negative. Vet wont just give out pancur and to me this vet and lab for my fecals must be incompetent.

What would you do next? Las Vegas, Nevada has a very poor selection of herp docs any suggestions would be thankful.

BTW the gecko is in good health otherwise.


New Member
St. Augustine, FL
According to the book Understanding Reptile Parasites by Roger Klingenberg, DVM, the second round is give 10 days after the first. I just looked it up because I wondered if 2 weeks later would catch the parasite life cycle to kill it. Also stated is roundworms is one of the few parasites that can be seen with the naked eye. IDK what you can do about the test results but to use a different facility, if available. Maybe try a telephone consult with a different herp vet in another area?

Dog Shrink

Lost in the Lizard World
You can actually give doses of fenbendiazole (panacure) at 10 or 15 days after the initial dosing. 15 days is usually recommended for smaller animals, you can do a 40 pound dog in 10 days tho.

What kind of substrait is your leo on? Is there any chance that what you're seeing might be from his enclosure and not parasites and yes roundworm is practically invisible to the naked eye, but it is also one of the harder parasites to eliminate from your animal. If the vet knew it was specifically round worm you were dealing with why didn't he give you a dewormer specifically geared for round worm insted of a broad spectrum dewormer like panacure?


Geckos of Oz
Las Vegas, NV
You can actually give doses of fenbendiazole (panacure) at 10 or 15 days after the initial dosing. 15 days is usually recommended for smaller animals, you can do a 40 pound dog in 10 days tho.

What kind of substrait is your leo on? Is there any chance that what you're seeing might be from his enclosure and not parasites and yes roundworm is practically invisible to the naked eye, but it is also one of the harder parasites to eliminate from your animal. If the vet knew it was specifically round worm you were dealing with why didn't he give you a dewormer specifically geared for round worm insted of a broad spectrum dewormer like panacure?

Iam using tiles in 3/4 of the tank and 1/4 paper towels where they goto the bathroom on the cool side. Iam sure they came from his fecal because they would only be alive and moving after a fresh fecal and in his poop. I keep my enclosures super clean daily using chlorhexidine.

Is there a better med then pancur for roundworms so next time I see the vet I can mention it?

Dog Shrink

Lost in the Lizard World
safe for leos I cant say but drontol and droncid (phonetically spelled) are 2 of the best wormers out there for treating worms in dogs. IDK if you can use them on leos as they're pills. IDK if they come in another form aside of pills. That would be a question for the vet. One is broad spectrum one is type specific but I can't remember off hand which is which there either sorry. Been a lousy day. I don't know that chlorhexidine would kill parasite eggs/cysts. You absolutely want to sanatize with bleach to be sure. One of those lil buggers crawls outta his butt and the whole tank can be infected not just where he poops.
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