Pastel YB for Chris


New Member
I mentioned I would show some of my pastel YB a while back. Here is a holdback female that just shed- all my pastel YBs have those flames/blushing up the sides but like we discussed, not all pastel YBs are created equal! Some have high amounts of blushing and aberrant patterns, while others do not.

The last photo is just a nice selectively bred adult pastel female, as a baby she was really bright so I thought she might be a pastel YB. But as you can see she has nice blushing dorsally and decent coloration, but no flames up the sides or checkered belly pattern marker.


Wild West Reptile

Leopards AFT Ball Pythons
San Jose, CA
Hey, thanks Jon! She's a beauty! I have some more pictures of my male to show you here as well. I think you will enjoy how he looks after settling in. You can see how blushed out he is and he has some of those flames you mentioned as well. I can't get over how brightly colored it is! It seems that his colors are "popping" now. A fellow breeder on another forum saw mine and thinks it has the "Whiteout" gene in it. That's from Amir's line of Yellowbelly's as I'm sure you know. There's others who are working with the Whiteout gene as well….it does some crazy things to these guys. Anyhow, here's a few more pictures of mine….please feel free to tell me what you think now that he's back to his normal looking self! Thanks again for the pics Jon and that Pastel is really nice and blushed out. I just sold a male that could be it's twin actually. Cheers!






New Member
That truly is a great foundational male for many projects!

I really like his high yellow sides! I know you have higher end projects for him in mind, but don't forget to throw him in with a few normals/pastel females to select back the best offspring! High quality base morphs create higher quality combos! As far as the "whiteout" gene, that is always possible if the bloodline was from Amir- but from what I can see it lacks some of the markers (horns on the eye stripe) etc. but who knows what genes he holds? Good luck with him this season!


Wild West Reptile

Leopards AFT Ball Pythons
San Jose, CA
That truly is a great foundational male for many projects!

I really like his high yellow sides! I know you have higher end projects for him in mind, but don't forget to throw him in with a few normals/pastel females to select back the best offspring! High quality base morphs create higher quality combos! As far as the "whiteout" gene, that is always possible if the bloodline was from Amir- but from what I can see it lacks some of the markers (horns on the eye stripe) etc. but who knows what genes he holds? Good luck with him this season!


Thanks Jon. Yeah, I didn't see the eye horns either, so I doubt it has it in him. I actually haven't ever seen them, so I wasn't quite sure what to look for. I guess I could always Google it and I'm sure something will turn up. I will actually be putting this guy to work as soon as I get another Yellowbelly I'm getting from Pat up to size. She should be ready by the end of the year. I would have put him with my big Yellowbelly I have already, but this guy is having a hard time figuring things out if you know what I mean. I also will put him with my nice Pastel who should be ready by next year as well. I plan on making some more Pastel Y/B's, super Pastels and hopefully a Pastel Ivory or two. As far as who gets my Specter, it all depends on who is ready to go when she is. I have some options, including trying for a Super Specter, but I'm not sure what direction I will go with that. I'm just gonna play it by ear.

Wild West Reptile

Leopards AFT Ball Pythons
San Jose, CA
Ok Jon, here's a couple of shots of mines head. Are those not horns?? I saw pictures of these so called horns on confirmed Amir whiteouts and they look identical to mine. Now I'm totally confused! Look at the pics and tell me what you think. I really don't know myself. Thanks.



New Member
There is alot of variation among the citrus pastels/citrus whiteout pastels- some have noticeable horns, others don't, some have white speckles etc. Some have obvious visual markers and others don't (which will only get harder to differentiate as people outcross them into other visual morphs) The only way to know for sure, in my opinion, is if the purchase is directly from the creator of the morph, or someone that has purchased stock directly from Amir and he can verify they are citrus/whiteouts. (It is like for example, carrottail leopard geckos- there are alot of different bloodlines but I can trace mine back directly to Ray Hine the creator so if I sold any carrottails I can claim they do contain his bloodlines even though they have been outcrossed for many years)

Below are some links I found showing some good examples:
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