Patternless Stripe X Non-stripe = ??


New Member
I just purchased my last gecko of the year (really, I swear! lol), an unsexed MS Patternless Stripe het Eclipse from SaSobek's. It's a cute little thing, and NOT het for any albino, which is awesome for me as it seems everything else that's caught my eye lately is het/poss het Tremper.

I'll have to wait a bit to know if it's male or female, but either way I have a possible pairing in mind for next year. I can put the basic traits in the genetic calculator. The problem is, that doesn't tell me what influence the Patternless Stripe influence will have.

So, if I did either of these pairings, what could the babies look like? (other than the obvious SS and Total Eclipses)

If it's female: MS Eclipse het Bell (with some abberrant/not quite jungle markings) x MS Patternless Stripe het Eclipse = ???

If it's male: MS Patternless Stripe het Eclipse x Neon Bell het Eclipse (with JMG Red Stripe background) = ???

Can anyone help me out with this? Thanks!


Ridgewood, NJ
I don't think you're asking about trait probabilities and so I assume you're not getting many responses because its kind of up in the air what what the stripe may do in those pairings. If the Bell's have hypo in them the stripe may be washed out or if they don't I'd guess you'd get a wide variety of geckos with various spotting, and possibly some striping.


New Member
I don't think you're asking about trait probabilities and so I assume you're not getting many responses because its kind of up in the air what what the stripe may do in those pairings. If the Bell's have hypo in them the stripe may be washed out or if they don't I'd guess you'd get a wide variety of geckos with various spotting, and possibly some striping.

That's what I was wondering, pretty much. I can use the calculator or work out longhand the basic dom/recessive/codom traits, but I wasn't sure how the patternless stripe trait interacts with others. Even the info that hypo may wash it out it is more than I knew before. I guess I'll just have to wait and see what happens (and hope that it's a female, 'cause I'd love to hit the odds on a Total Eclipse my first year, lol.)

Thanks for replying!

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