Pebble Substrate?



I'm tired of reptile carpet and I don't want to switch to sand... SO
I was thinking about using a thin layer of decent sized (much too large to fit in a gecko mouth) smooth flatish pebbles.

Do you think this would irritate his feet or make him otherwise unhappy?


New Member
Sheffield, UK
i dunno a bit unnatural and weird for a gecko. plus as you say may be irritating for the feet and the pebbles may move around alot., they could get tails and feet stuck under pebbles too maybe. its up to you but i dont reckon id go for it.

Brown paper is kinda nice. It doesnt sound great but its surprisingly good looking when everything is set up with it. or i think Aspen can work with leo's. Its a loose substrate so again others may disagree but i kept three leo's on it for quite a while and they seemed to find it okay and i had no problems with it.

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