I love the PetCo in Boardman,OH. They get in the most beautiful leos.(even if they are on sand) I walked in and the manager yelled across the store " hey becky,how many you up to now?" The manager, Marty, is the coolest. About a month ago I helped one of the customers pick out a leo, cage, and everything else which made one of the workers very mad. The kid went and got the manager, marty came back, saw that it was me and said to the kid "It's just Becky, she knows more than most people working here. You could learn something from her." Needless to say it ticked the kid off even more. Any way...last night we went in and I looked at the leos and couldn't leave without one. Here she is, i swear she's not blurry in real life! But she is practically neon! My camera is old, forgive me.