Phish Reunion at Hampton...Anyone going? -- DUW


New Member
March 6-7-8, 2009 -- Phish -- Hampton Coliseum :D

Sooo happy they're back! Can't wait to see the other dates!!

We got skunked on pre-sale and again through Ticketmaster....:main_no:
Still trying to decide if I can drop the cash for scalped tickets.

Anyone out there get lucky?

Just for fun here's a few pics from the Phinal Tour...Sorry for the cheesy pics. All taken from the car

Hampton at Night -- Really looks like a UFO...only place closer would be Assembly Hall in Champaign, IL.

Some shots after they closed the roads to Coventry. Most just abandoned their cars and hoofed it. This went on for miles...




Later found out it was a 10+ mile walk!

We got turned back...Drove from Vermont to Ny to watch the simulcast in a theater...What a trip that was...then drove all the way back up to Vermont. Ended up camping on some guys farm. He was awesome, even gave us a ride in the next morning. (The roads were only open for local traffic.) We got to the stage just in time for the start of the "last" show...

Any one going? Got any extras?

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