Pick one match up out of my list.

im faster

Should Slow Down
Miamisburg, Ohio, United States
Okay here we go.. here is a list of all that i have.. (or will have this week)

and im trying to think of combos.. since this is my first season im looking for advice..

pick one you think i should to.. if you want to pick more thats fine..

I have pics of all if needed


GT1 Giant temper albino
E1 Enigma
NM2 is a high yellow het bell poss het patty (M109 x bell) male
NM1 is a high yellow het bell poss het patty (M109 x bell) male
M109 is a super hypo het patty male
HYM2 is a super hypo het tremper male
HYM1 is a super hypo het tremper male
AM209 is a sunglow pos het raptor male
AM109 is a tremper pos het raptor male
TM3 is a sunglow male
SHB1 Super hypo tang carrot tail Baldy pardox reverse stripe
SHTH1 Super hypo tang carrot Tail Head enigma
Shthb1 Super hypo tang carrot head/tail Baldy
SHB310 is a super hypo femalehttp://geckoforums.net/showthread.php?t=73064
GT2 Giant Temper
TA1 temper albino
TA3 is a sunglow female
TA5 is a sunglow female
THP is a tremper het patty female
TA8 is a jungle tremper female
SHB210 is a jungle het tremper female
SH10F1 is a super hypo het tremper female
NSF1 is a jungle het tremper female
NJF1 is a jungle het tremper female
NF2 is a normal het bell poss het patty (M109 x bell) female
NF1 is a high yellow het bell poss het patty (M109 x bell) female
HYF7 is a super hypo het tremper poss het patty (M109 x THP) female
HYF5 is a super hypo het tremper female
HYF4 is a super hypo het tremper female
HYF16 is a patternless stripe het tremper female
HYF15 a super hypo het tremper poss het patty (M109 x THP) female
HYF13 a super hypo het tremper poss het patty (M109 x THP) female
HYF12 is a super hypo het tremper female
HYF11 is a hypo het bell poss het patty (M109 x bell) female
HYF10 a super hypo het tremper female
TF1 is a sunglow female
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