Pics of More Geckos from the Hamburg Show



Here are some of my new geckos. I got the Hypo Codom Mack Snow jungle het for bell Male ( top right picture), A codom jungle female( top left picture), and a striped Tremper Albino Female( bottom right picture) all from Pat Klein, Then I picked up another Mack Snow Female( middle top picture) and lastly another Mack Male but hes pretty yellow with lavender). Let me know what you think. I really love the patterns on them all. While there I also picked up an adult Red Harley female and a light red Dalmation with clustered spots, Unsexed. I will post their pictures in a day or so in the Rac forum. Thanks for looking and let me know what you think
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oooohh that mack male is my favorite but they are all gorgeous!

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