Pink Red eyed gecko Hatchlings...Blazing Blizzards?



Hello all, I am wondering what I have here and how. I now have two Pink geckos with red eyes! And I think they are out of my blizzard line but I can't read the writng on the eggs due to what they laid them in which is Peat Moss. I think I need to change it because this Peat Moss makes the egg too dark so any writing is hard to read. Last year I didn't have any problems with my eggs and this year I have lost some. So here are the pictures Pat says they are Blazing Blizzards but I thought that all my blizzards were just that Blizzards but one has snake eyes. So what does everyone think these are? I also have a pink one with black eyes( but hes not as pink, kinda frosted).
Oakland, CA
I wonder if they were het RAPTOR.. Haha..

They look like Blazing Blizzards to me too.

They look like LV Blazing Blizzard Hatchlings I have seen.

Edit: Where did you get them from?


Yes they have to be Blazings if they did come from my blizzards but that I do not even know. But I am fairly sure. Anyways I got the three females from my friend Fred Bruckman of Bruckman Reptiles and the male I got from my Buddy on here Rob Mosko. Neither are sure that they have albino in them but I do know that Fred was trying for Blazing Blizzards and one of mine has snake eyes and seems whiter/lighter than the others but wouldn't I have to have two Blazings to make one? Or could it be one blazing and a blizzard het albino? This is why I am so confused. Whatever they are I am a Happy camper. Other breedings I am doing are Snow to SHTCT, SHTCTB to SHTCTB, All three kinds of Albino, Red stripes, Bold stripes, Snows, Patternless, Normal het Rainwater albino to RW albino, And a few Red stripes to RW Albinos, a few SHTCT to RW Albino and a few Red stripes to RW albino.And some co-dom, Pastels and ghosts bred to different morphs. So I do not see any way these could come out of any of those right? Thanks, Deb
Oakland, CA
Hmm. It may be a little easier to tell what they are when they are a little older.

This is why I even notate if something is a Possible Het for anything.. Given I would be happy if I hatched some Blazing Blizards out of nowhere. I would be as confused as you though.

Also, another thing that may help you out a lot is to see what else hatches from you Blizzard Group later this year.

What type of marker do you use to mark your eggs?

I just saw you mentioned using peat moss. Have you tried Coco fibre. I used to get the bricks of it. I now get the fresh natural unsalted stuff from a Hydroponics Store. IMO it is fantastic laybox bedding and I rarely have any problems with it sticking to the eggs.

There is also a chance that your other animals may be het.. Who knows.



Hi David, yes I have three bricks of coconut fiber and I am soaking them now. I used it last year and it worked wonderful. Only one rotten egg one still born baby and one death a few days after birth out of 100 + eggs. I don't even know why I changed except I hear it was a good bedding. Anyways yes thats true it is possible I have something thats het else where and I got these guys. It really bothers me that I can't read the eggs and I have probably 40 eggs incubating right now some I can read and some I can't. Wish me luck that I get one or two more and I can read the egg so I'll know who they are coming from. I have another problem now too, all of a sudden I am getting rotten eggs(or they seem that way) They do not smell at all but they do not look normal. I do not add too much water either it feels kinda dry most of the time and humidity is at 80% what else could be going on? This is my third year breeding and both of the years before I used Coconut fiber for laying material and Perlite for the incubation medium. Any other ideas? Thanks for your help, Deb ;)
Oakland, CA
Glad to hear you have the Coco Fibre. Do you have any first year males going this year? That could be whats going on. Also, When I was using peat moss as a lay box bedding.. All of the eggs I got looked bad.. But they were good. The peat moss gave all of the eggs a yellow coloration and odd texture. I have no clue what the humidity is in my containers in my incubators. I do it all by hand. I think the peat may be whats making your eggs look off. Maybe...


Well I will not take the eggs out to throw away until they smell. But yes they look brown. black and the texture is strange. The coloration is from the Peat moss I know but the texture bothers me. I should have their lay boxes all straighten out by Sunday because I might have to get more. But I am stickinbg to the old way I did it, would feel better. Thanks for your info, I hope others will post too on everything we taked about. In fact am going to start a Post on what substrate people use in their lay box. Deb

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