Playing with graphics



Not sure exactly where to post this so I chose here
I wanted to take some pics of the geckos tonight but unfortunately I have been in a lot of intense pain for the past week (I'm not exactly sure what exactly my new health problems are yet-I have both blood work and x-rays scheduled after the holidays-but Dec, has been the worst month for me with pain and sickness of '06) and didn't want to risk dropping either the camera or a gecko so I settled with playing around with a pic of Tempest and a pic of some flowers that I took this summer in Paint Shop Pro
I hope that you all like it
I see with posting it here that the edges need some smoothing and I'm not completely sure just how to do that yet
So I guess that I'll head over to the tips and tricks board for that program and find out -but that will have to wait until tomorrow
I'm beat and it's off to bed for me
Thanks for looking

Consider this Step 1


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