Please help, missing toes?



Hi, my gecko is about 10 weeks old and he has shed once while i've had him. I've had him for about 6 weeks. He had trouble shedding and i helped him get the shed off of his face using a q-tip. I am a responsible owner, i have provided him with everything that he should have. Humid hide, uth, water, food etc. I am actually very scared about the situation. Anyways, he is active and still eating normally but when I came home today and looked at him I noticed his foot looked a little weird. I was soaking him and trying to help him get the shed off of his feet for about 2 weeks now but he wouldn't stay still too long when I was rubbing him with the q-tip. I need to know if he will be ok, he is acting normal which is a plus. He is walking around and was walking on me like usual. I am very upset because I feel like i've failed him. I really love him and am attached to him. There is a picture below, I hope you guys can help.
Thanks in advance.




if shed gets stuck around their toes to long it hardens and ends up cutting off the circulation which makes the toe fall off sadly it doesnt grow back =/


I understand that, but will he be ok? I heard of some stuff made by Zilla, "shed-ease" is that ok to use?


Riverside, California
I don't believe those toes can be saved, they look like they will end up hardening and falling off. And yes, he'll be okay. I have a gecko that’s missing 2 toes just like that (got her like that) it will heel. For the shedding problem, I'd soak him once a week and if he looks like he's going to shed soak him every day until the shed happens. If it doesn't heal and it starts to spread and turn into a infection, take him to a vet and he'll give you antibiotics. Good luck with the little guy!


New Member
Canandaigua NY
She/he will be okay, but I know it's painful for us to even watch! My female has a few missing toes from before I got her. Hers are so bad that on one foot, all her toes are nothing but stumps (literally half of each toe is missing).
But she has had successful sheds ever since, and her missing toes don't seem to affect her at all.
Mine have moist paper towel in the humid hide so they always have something pretty damp to stand on.
It sounds like you've done everything right, so don't beat yourself up. ;)


Gamer momma
Make sure you keep your humid hide, well, humid heh. Also, soaking them once in a while helps with shed. Mine has issues with her toes sometimes, so I put a dish of water in her tank that's big enough for her to walk around in, and it really helps.


Thanks guys. Well he is pretty young so I figured it was due to inexperience. I keep paper towel on the bottom if the humid hide and a little piece in back in case he wants to rub against it or somethin' and its about 95 in there. (I keep a thermometer in there) It is always wet (I wet it every morning I get up). Thanks guys for understanding. I AM beat up about it, I've honestly never have really had a pet like him and I love him so much!


New Member
Dont beat yourself up about it, things happen and due to inexperiance all we can do is live and learn :)

I had an accident with my first and he ended up with a broken toe. Every time he shed he got skin stuck on the bent part and it just kept getting worse. I felt so bad cos sometimes he would lift his foot so it must have been hurting him :(

It took 5 months to eventually come off, i never found the tip so im guessing he ate it when he pulled the shed off.

Now he has a stubby toe but it doesnt hinder him at all :) He still climbs around just as easily as he did before and im glad it doesnt hurt him anymore :)

I am a lot more careful now, prolly to the point of being paranoid and overly fussy, but i dont plan on any more accidents :)

So dont feel bad, just put it down to lack of experiance and be glad it is only a few toes :)


Well thank you so much! That really helped. I'm sorry to hear about you little gecko, but that is good that it didn't hinder him. Thanks so much!

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