Please take a look at her belly


Happy Gecko Family
Please take a look at her belly and tell me what you think.

1. taken on 12th October:


2. taken on 17th October:

3. taken tonight, 22nd October:


What stage of ovulation do you think she is in? Any chance she is reabsorbing the follicles? The first 2 pics taken 10 days ago, showed a faint pink spot only. The ones taken on the 17th showed a much larger, yellow/whitish circle in the center. Then tonight, the follicle seemed more yellow, a little smaller but more defined. The position seems to be lowered as well.

Please let me know what you think. She wasn't eating anything before, but looks like her appetite is coming back now; she ate 5 crickets tonight. Do you think she is just starting her season now (I thought she was) or is this the end of her season (which I've missed completely)? With her belly progressing like that, will you still put a male with her? Thanks for any input.


Happy Gecko Family
OMG! She has eggs!! I can see it clearly through her belly now!! If my inexperienced eyes can see it, I think she'll lay them in about a week's time.

Now my question is, I honestly do not think the male has copulated with her; because i never saw Marly's hemipenes out. Unless it is possible for a male to able to instantly retract his hemipenes after copulation without needing to clean up? I have done a lot of reading on breeding, and everywhere says that the after-cleanup is a must-do thing. I swear I have been watching every second of them being together, and there was only one time where they crossed tails for 10 seconds. When the girl got rid of him and walked off, he almost followed her immediately trying the mating ritual again! Is putting the male with her enough to trigger her to form eggs??

Anyways, if she laid those eggs and turns out infertile, when shall I put the male in with her again? I can see new follicles forming above the eggs.


New Member
Sheffield, UK
i cant see eggs but she's been ovulating yeh. Can i just point out you were wearing the same top on 17th and 22nd haha. :p

glad you have eggs, hope they work out for ya.


Happy Gecko Family
i cant see eggs but she's been ovulating yeh. Can i just point out you were wearing the same top on 17th and 22nd haha. :p

Yea...I always wear the same 2 tops at home, the other one is also


Fallen Angel's Geckos
Stockton, CA
It does look like she has eggs but it is hard to be 100% certain. After a few more days they will become more and more apparent if they are not being reabsorbed. BTW her mother REALLY bulges out when she is carrying eggs and has been known to have a stomach that nearly drags on the floor ;) she then also tends to dig and be restless for an entire week before laying.

The two lovers very well could have copulated when you weren't watching, or perhaps the male did get a hemipene in and didn't do the cleanup.. although just like you said, I myself have always seen the male clean up after wards (but haven't always witnessed a mating no matter how hard I tried).

If she does lay eggs and they're infertile, I would probably try introducing her to the male again after about a week or so to see what happens. If she doesn't accept the male and he ends up chasing her around constantly, I would separate them and just keep trying every so often (maybe once per week). We had one female that simply would not accept the male at all so we separated them, but when we introduced them again somewhere between five days to a week later, she accepted him instantly.

I'm really thinkin' those are definitely eggs though and hope they're fertile! Good luck :heart:


Happy Gecko Family
Thanks for the advice, Jess! She is into shedding now, I guess that is the mythical pre-laying shed! I'll keep you updated on how she goes. :)


Happy Gecko Family
I think I might have mistaken, that white blob that I'm seeing might just be fat pad. My girl is not digging, and has absolutely no interest in eating. I checked on her again last night, and took another pic of her belly to compare:

This was taken last time (22 Oct):

And this was last night (2 Nov):

I thought she had an egg on the left side, but now I think I'm wrong. However, her ovulation pink spot is there again; so I went ahead and put my male in her tank. She was very receptive, she just sat there lifted her tail slightly, encouraging the male to advance. However, just like the previous nth times, the male still hasn't figured out that one last step. I think he is too distracted with all the scent in her enclosure (he even smudged his butt on the little sand bag that I made to hold down the themostat probe!), I'm going to try again tonight and put both of them in a separate container. I hope he can concentrate on the girl.


Happy Gecko Family
I set up a larger tank in my study and put the 2 in there last night. They're gentle to each other, so I think I can let them stay together until I see eggs! They're both packed inside Marly's humid box sleeping now. :heart:

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