Please tell me it's not like that everywhere.



Ok,so me and my wife where driving into town yesterday and it was raining like crazy,suddenly a dog is in front of our car and she hits the brakes and we just hit it with the side of our front bumper,we pulled the car over and turned on the emergency lights.
I called the cops and told them everything but the lady on the phone was like"yeah,ok and now?" so i said"don't you want to send animal patrol or something?" so she transfered me over to animal patrol and i told the story again and they send somebody out,after the call i got out of the car and looked for the dog.
When i found him i was soaking wet of course,but i couldn't hold him so i just tried everything to stop him to running to the street again.
When Animal patrol arrrived the guy yelled and me and told me that this is not his job and if i hit a dog i have to take him to the vet and stuff,i told him that i will pay for the vet and stuff but he has the equipment and training to catch a dog and i can't put a dog in the back of my 2 seater and can't catch a loose dog.
So he was to afraid to get out of his car and get wet so he just turned on his little search light and looked around but couldn't see it.
Then i saw the dog again and yelled at him to com help me but he was so fucking slow and still not getting out of the car that it took him minutes to turn his truck around and help me so the dog managed to escape again.
After a while he said that he leaves now but not without making sure to tell me again to not call them again if something happens.
I think this is just wrong and i was willing to pay for the vet and everything i just wanted somebody to help me catch the dog with the proper equipment and training.
What do you think about this?


ummm....that IS their job.... I dont' know what that guy's problem is...but animal control is supposed to pick up pretty much ANY wild/feral/stray animals that's called about......that's what they're there for! I can't believe the guy acted like that! I would see if you can find someone to call about that to complain.....b/c that's just not right. You did what you were supposed...besides that you're actually not supposed to try to catch the dog yourself supposedly...and that's what the guy should have told you before HE went and caught it himself.


He didn't catch it,he looked a little bit and then drove off.


That is so ridiculous that it is sad

My bf and I were driving through our little town a while back and there was a small dog in the middle of the 2 lane highway that runs through the middle of town
He was just standing on the divider line

A police car went by as we were turning around and just kept on going
I do not know if he saw the dog or not but the story does have a happy ending

We manged to herd the dog off the road into a senior citizens trailer park and found a group of people that recognized the dog
The dog did go straight to his trailer/mobile home and he was dragging a leash with a clip on the end of it

I went up to him-close enough to get the end of the leash and hooked it back to the tie out which was located right on the porch with plenty of shadeand water for him

The woman that followed us over and thanked us in the absence of the dogs owner said that she was also concerned about the dog's owner as they were having a "park gathering" and it also was not like her to leave the dog outside if she had left

I never did find out what happened to the owner
I was just glad that we got the dog out of the road before it got hit and killed

So-yeah-any people including the police drove by the dog and did absolutely nothing about it
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