Poor 'ittle rescue


New Member
My bearded dragon is a rescue and she's got a case of MBD although the vets can't say how bad because we barely know conditions she was in when I got her(craigslist--free). We guess inbetween 8-12 months old when I took her in December, at 97g!!!!! Now she's 141 grams but has decided to stop eating. As bad as it is I've been force feeding her (AS INSTRUCTED BY THE VET) every other day. She's always refused to eat her veggies, I have seen her eat like one pea and a nip of lettuce -___- How can I train her to eat her veggies? Also what can I do to get her to eat on her own? The cage has the right temperatures and I was told to build her a sunning box to set her outside in, so she has that too now. Her cage reads right now on the hot side 103 and the cool side is 86 and she sits in her sunning box (in the florida sun to help her get that d3 and UVB) for 3-5 hours a day when it's 80+ degrees out and is offered food, worms and veggies as soon as I bring her in at dusk and wants nothing to do with it. I'm going to give her a few more months but she's really pathetic, she can't walk on her own, she looks like she's swimming with her front legs and her back legs just get in the way. She often flips over onto her back and flares her beard out in frustration until I come flip her over or she has the strength to herself. I don't want to put her down if she's making progress which she was until last month when she decided she was done eating, but she's in pain, I can tell and I don't want her to suffer any longer if she doesn't have a chance of ever being able to walk which the vets aren't sure.

Any ideas/thoughts/suggestions?

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